Chapter Two

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The wind whipped against his jaw as he pushed his horse to the limit. Riding had always helped him to calm down; and right now, his blood was broiling.

He bent low on his horse as he passed under the low branches of the trees which lined the pathway to Madame Renee Goldhurst's cottage.

Ever since he found out about his arranged marriage, Ryan had tried to find some way to get out of it but his father, the late Duke of Lancaster had made sure that there was no loop holes. He even went as far as meeting with his betrothed's brother but the man was determined to marry her off. She must be really spoiled for him to be so eager to rid himself of her.

Resentment filled him as he thought of his future bride. He didn't care a damn about her, all he would do was impregnate her and leave her be. He has a bevy of mistresses who would be more than happy to fulfil his needs.

He pulled up just short of Renee's front steps. The little cottage was quaint and comfortable. He jumped from his horse just as she pulled the front door. Her eyes lit up when she saw him, she ran flung her self in his arms. He kissed her with all the frustration and anger which burned inside him. He lifted her and marched up the steps into the den. He didn't have time to romance her, he just wanted a release. He used his foot to kick the door closed. He then proceeded to pin her against the door. His eager hands groped beneath her frock until his fingers found the inside of her drawers, he shifted them away roughly. Renee had already unbuttoned his breeches and released his manhood.

He lifted her legs over his arms and pushed himself deep inside her. He pounded into her relentlessly as he let go of his anger. She was crying out in pain but he paid it no mind, he was lost in his own sorrow. He dispelled a low grunt as he reached his climax he did not worry about spilling his seed inside her, it was a known fact that Renee was barren. It was the reason why he kept her as his mistress.

Renee was quiet as she waited for Ryan to release her.

"I'm sorry about that Renee, its just that I am so perplexed about this whole situation. I cannot believe father went behind my back like that." He said as he buttoned back his breeches.

"Will you be staying tonight?" She asked quietly.

"No, I have to get back. Mother wants me to assist her in choosing cloths to decorate the hall for the wedding," he straightened his vest as he walked to the sofa.

"Ok. Ryan will I see you again now that you will be married?" Her back was turned to him but he had heard the unmistakeable crack in her voice. He knew Renee was fond of him but why would she be crying? Maybe it was time for him to stop visiting her.

"I don't know Renee but if I do not return it will not be because of my wife. I think its time for us to discontinue our relationship,"

Ryan saw her shoulders slump in defeat.

"I think I should take my leave now," he took out a purse filled with gold from his coat pocket and placed it on her centre table.

He walked out of the little cottage without a second glance.

Ryan glanced grimly around the majestic hall. All the scullery maids were cleaning the huge room for his upcoming wedding. He caught sight of his mother's small frame. She was busy pointing out specific areas that needed cleaning and did not seem to notice him.

His mother was a beautiful woman with her long auburn hair which was always curled to perfection. Her green eyes that held nothing back were her best features, that and her beautiful smile. His father had been hopelessly in love with her. His sister Claudia was the splitting image of her, while he inherited his father's dark looks. He let his jet black hair grow beyond his shoulders but he kept it tied in place. His eyes were beautiful chocolate-coloured orbs that almost every woman got lost in.

He was tall and towered over the average man. His shoulder were wide and well muscles. His waist small and lithe. Women dreamed of being in his strong, muscled arms.

He was a great catch and he had been fighting off debutantes and their matchmaking mamas for years now. His holdings were extensive to say the least. He was filthy rich and lived a life of comfort.

"Oh hi darling!" His mother gushed as she moved towards him. Her emerald green evening gown shimmered in the lights as she moved. It suited her perfectly as she looked absolutely stunning.

"Hello mother," he said just before he leaned to place a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm so happy you have finally decided to grace us with your presence, your fiance will arrive sometime today and your wedding is Saturday. You have not shown any interest in preparing for this ceremony,"

"Mother I have not shown any interest because I am not interested, all this was forced on me, this fiance of mine could be a simpering fool and I will be stuck with her for the rest of my life all because of my father's arrogance!" His eyes flashed angrily.

"I am sorry mother, but I am just so angry! I would have chosen my own bride when I was ready, now I am to be wed to a complete stranger,"

"Ryan, I know you are frustrated but try to think of your fiance's feelings, she too is marrying a complete stranger, you are not the only one who is marrying a stranger," his mother pleaded but this only made him angrier.

"I do not care about her and I will not pretend that I do, now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to in London, I will return on the day before the wedding," and with that he marched angrily from the room.

There was no way he could stay here and remain sane. He would go to London and get the town house ready because as soon as he was wed, he'd be living in London permanently and he would be by himself.

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