Chapter Three

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Arianna stood in awe as she stared up at the large stone house that would be her home. The white wash that had been used to paint it made it shine brightly in the afternoon sun. The windows were wide and the glass sparkled, this place was obviously well maintained. The flowers in the front garden were pruned and not a weed in sight.

"Good afternoon Milady, may I show you to the sitting room, the countess will be with you shortly," the tall man bow gracefully and showed a small smile. At least the staff seemed courteous, she returned his smile graciously.

"Why I would love that, what is your name sir?"

"I am Charles, his Lord's butler. Come this way madam" he led her into house. She was dumbstruck at the decor of the inside. The carpets were plush and made of expensive material and they matched the curtains perfectly. Pictures of the former Dukes and Duchess' lined the walls. The wooden staircase shone beautiful as it curved upwards leading to the second story of this magnificent house.

"Milady?" She quickly sprang from her trance and hurried to Charles side. Her eyes took in the fine decor that led to the sitting room.

"You may have a seat Milady, would you like some tea?"

"Oh no thank you Charles," she walked slowly around the large room, the sofas looked soft and plush. The light green colour blended beautifully with the cream carpet and the cream floral curtain which hung at the high arched windows. The furniture shone as if hours had been spent on cleaning them. She walked to the glass panelled doors which stood at the opposite end of the room, it led to a small balcony which led into the most exquisite garden she had ever seen. A large oak tree sat in the centre of the garden and provided shade for the stone benches which were placed around it. She could imagine spending her afternoons reading in this majestic garden.

"Its quite breathtaking isn't it?" Arianna turned suddenly. From the way she carried herself and the way she was dressed, this had to be the Duchess of Lancaster, Lady Elizabeth Forthright.

"Yes it is Milady," she smiled at the duchess, she could sense that she would get along with her.

"Arianna, right?"

"Yes Milady,"

"Oh stop with the Milady, you will be my daugther come next week, call me Liz. I can't be bothered with the niceties of the Ton," she smiled at Arianna.

"Come sit down my child, we have much to discuss!" And just like that Arianna had become fast friends with her mother in law. She prayed her betrothed was just as warm. She found out from Liz that he was away on urgent business and could not be here to greet her. She had also seen paIntings of him, he wasn't handsome but he wasn't ugly either. He was 8 years her senior, the same age as Andrew.

After speaking with the Duchess she had been taken to one of the guest rooms where she would stay until she was wed, after that she would occupy the master suite with her husband. There were about 30 guest rooms. The Duchess had told her that their guest for the wedding would start arriving by Wednesday the earliest. There would be over 300 guest at the wedding after she had included those from her home village in Shropshire. She and the Duchess had chosen the colours for the wedding. The actual ceremony will take place in the back garden and then the guest will be taken into the hall to dine. She had yet to see the back garden but the Duchess had promised to give her a tour in the morrow.

"Oh Ari, this place is absolutely amazing!" Bessy squeaked as she entered her bedchamber. She twirled around the room and sat on the chair next to the bed.

"And the servants here are kind and friendly, I feel like I have been here for years," Bessy beamed as she spoke. Arianna was happy that she was fitting in but she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed at not being welcomed by her betrothed.

"The cooks told me that your betrothed is a kind and compassionate employer and that he's quite handsome," Bessy said mischievously

"He is not handsome, I saw some paintings of him,"

"Oh well he does seem generous from what I heard of him. You are quite lucky Ari, be thankful he is not fat, ugly or mean,"

"I know but he could have been here to welcome me, we are to be married and we know nothing about each other," she got up slowly and walked to the window. The setting sun cast a beautiful orange glow over the trees below.

Arianna straightened excitedly as she noticed a wide creek no very far from the house. She hoped that it was suitable for swimming, she would ask the Duchess first thing in the morrow.

Arianna stretched lazily in the bed as little streaks of sunlight escaped between the curtains into the room. It was Wednesday morning, the day which her guest would begin to arrive. Her stomach twisted in anxiety as she thought of all the strangers that she would be socialising with. She sat up in her bed and yawned loudly. The Duchess would faint in embarrassment if she did anything like that today. Over the past few days she had toured the entire estate and was introduced to the staff, they made her feel welcomed and she appreciated it.

However, her betrothed had yet to make an appearance, they would be married Saturday and she still had no idea how he looked in person. He was clearly avoiding her and if he was behaving like this now, how in heaven's name would they have an amicable marriage? She hoped he did not expect to bed her on their wedding night. Husband or not she would not give her body to him until she knew him properly.

"Ari, we need to get you ready, there's much to be done today," Bessy brushed her dark brown tresses until it shone. She applied her make up herself. She had gotten a whole new wardrobe, the Duchess had her own seamstress, Madam Lefleur who lived in the small town just a few miles from the manor. She had made her dresses for every occasion. She was still working on her wedding gown though. She was to go for her final fitting tomorrow eve.

Arianna had decided to wear a deep pink morning gown, its neck line dipped low and revealed a bit of her cleavage, it was made to seduce, but the man she was to seduce was no where around. She sighed sadly. She just knew her marriage would be a miserable one.

"Good Morning Liz," she called as she moved elegantly towards her mother in law.

"Why Arianna that gown suits you, you look superb,"

"Thank you, you look astonishing too,"

"Excuse me your grace, your first guests have arrived." Charles then bowed and left.

Well I guess its time to get acquainted, Arianna thought.

By the time she laid in her bed that night, she was exhausted. Over 60 persons turned up today alone. Arianna talked and smiled until her face felt like it was going to break. Everyone was extremely nice to her but she didn't miss the quizzical expressions when they realised that the groom to be was no where around.

The more she thought about it, the more determined she became, she was not going to marry this man, to hell with her brother. Tomorrow was their engagement party and everyone would be busy, no one would miss her if she slipped away during the night. She had told Bessy of her plan. They plan to "borrow" two horses and head back home. It was a good thing she had some money. It would take them back to Shropshire and allow her to buy a small house on the coast. She did not need anyone. She and Bessy would be just fine.

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