Chapter Nine

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The night seemed like it would never end. He was impatient and wanted to join his bride in their bedroom. He glanced around the room, ensuring no one was watching him as he slipped away. It was still quite early and his mother would frown upon his eagerness. But the sooner he bedded Arianna the sooner he would stop lusting after her.

"Well well cousin, it seems as if your father chose the perfect bride for you, you can't even wait to go bed her," he turned to see Phillippe with a smug expression. He didn't trust Phillippe, not for a second. He and his father Viscount John Chandler were crooks and the entire ton knew it.

Phillippe had made it known that he believed that his family should have been the ones who inherited the dukedom.

"What the hell do you want Phillippe?"

"I just came by to congratulate you, you seem to be quite smitten with your bride,"

"You need to mind your own business. You are like an infested sore, annoying and hard to get rid of,"

Phillippe hardened suddenly, "If I were you, I'd keep that pretty little bride of yours close by, wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen to her,"

Ryan took two steps toward him,mere inches separated them.

"Are you threatening my bride Phillippe?" Ryan had to fight to control his rage that was rising rapidly. "If you go anywhere near her, I will kill you with my bare hands,"

Phillippe laughed and turned to walk away, "Words are wind cousin, they are useless," Ryan watched as Phillippe walked, he would have to get a guard to watch Arianna when he wasn't around. he did not want to be wedded to her but he didn't want see her hurt either.

Just as he was about to head to his bride, Renee stepped out from the shadows and he could feel his loins stirring as he gazed upon her skimpily clad figure. She wore a form-fitting red velvet dress that left little to the imagination.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked gruffly,

"I had to see you, I couldn't allow you to end our arrangement in that way, I know it may seem as if I am in love with you but that is not the case, I am just grateful for the assistance you have given and to be frank I really need your help, " Ryan stared at her as if trying to figure out if she spoke the truth. Just as he was about to send her away she stepped closer to him and kissed his lips gently, he pulled her closer as he devoured her lips, he could feel his manhood harden and he pulled her even closer to him. He pushed her against the wall as his hands drifted higher up the split along her dress...

"What the hell are you doing? " Arianna shocked and angry voice was like a bucket of cold water, he pushed Renee from him.

He turned just in time to see Arianna stopping her way up the stairs.

"You need to stay away from me" he said angrily to Renee as he ran up the stairs after Arianna.

Arianna couldn't believe what she had just witnessed, she leaned on the bed as she took deep breaths to slow her racing pulse. How could he, it was their wedding day for Christ sake, the more she thought about her husband's inconsiderate behaviour, the more her anger rose. He had absolutely no regard for her, how could she possibly stay married to him. She got up slowly and began to pace the room. She hated him so much.

She turned suddenly at the sound of the bedroom door opening

"What do you want?" she asked in her most asinine tone.

"It is our wedding night and I am here to consummate our marriage," Ryan replied with a smirk.

Arianna's mouth fell open as she could not believe his audacity

"It will be a cold day in hell before i lay with you, you callous bastard,"

"Aw come on now" he said as he took a step towards her,

"Surely you did not expect that I would not have a mistress, we are married but I do not love you and I never will," Arianna went pale at his words, she turned away from him in an effort to hide the hurt his words caused, why did she feel like she had received a kick to the stomach?

"I am attracted to you and I want to rip your clothes from your body right now but I'm sure that urge will pass once I bed you,"

"You are such a pig," By now Arianna's hurt had morphed in to rage, she was sickened by this monster she was forced to marry

"Get out of my room! I will scream bloody murder if you dare try to touch me, I'm sure you don't want your guests to see your true colours,"

Ryan stared at her, her eyes were bright with anger and disgust, her slender frame shook with pent up rage and suddenly, he was ashamed of his behaviour but she would never know, she can never know just how much she affected him. He took a step towards her and she reached for a candelabrum that was sitting atop her vanity. He laughed at the irony of the situation, this only served to make Arianna angrier,

"What do you plan to do with that?" he laughed

"Take one more step towards me and you will find out you buffoon" Ryan laughed even harder, Arianna wanted to smack him and attempted to do just that.

Suddenly, she was one the bed, her hands pinned over her head and her brute of husband's lips just mere inches from hers.

"It would be so easy to take you right here, right now," his eyes darkened with desire as his eyes moved slowly down to her cleavage, he lowered his head and ran the tip of his tongue along the flesh above her bodice, she bucked in a feeble attempt to throw him off her, she whimpered as his tongue dipped between her breasts. He slowly eased off her.

"I will not force you to lay with me, when I take you, you will be begging me, moaning and writhing beneath me." With that he left the room. Arianna laid on the bed cursing her traitorous body, her nipples were hard beneath her clothes and her tummy felt funny. She was going to have to avoid her husband at all cost as she was not sure she could resist this hunger for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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