Chapter One

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Dark tumultuous clouds rolled over the lush green valley that surrounded the Gafton Manor. Lightening sliced through the damp air that caressed the leaves that stood vibrantly on the surrounding trees.

Arianna sighed as she watched nature at work. The dark weather that was about to begin mirrored her raging emotions. Another tiny crystal droplet slid from beneath her eyelids and she swiped it away angrily. All she could think of was the anger and betrayal that had been inflicted upon her.

Her eyes shifted suddenly to the shiny black carriage that rolled up the pathway leaving a trail of dust in its wake. She felt another surge of anger as the Shrewsbury crest on the side became visible.

Andrew was back, she thought bitterly. In another few minutes she'd be leaving her childhood home and everything she held dear all because her stupid half-brother was neck deep in debt and needed a way out.

They'd never gotten along and she knew he was ecstatic that he had found a way to cause her distress.

She gazed longingly at the lake at the far end of the estate, its contents black and still as it awaited the torrential rains which would come shortly. Oh how she'd miss her afternoon swim, her beautiful garden that she had laboured in for years, everyone who had come to the manor praised her for its up keep. She inhaled deeply as the breeze carried the scent of her beautiful roses into her bedchamber.

"Madam?" She sighed deeply as she turned to face Bessy. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. "His grace is requesting your presence in his study, James and I will take your trunks down to the carriage."

"Oh Bessy I'm going to miss you so!" Arianna cried and hugged her chambermaid and best friend. She and Bessy grew up together as Bessy's parents had worked for her father for years until they retired. It pained her heart that she had to leave her behind. She had pleaded with Andrew to take Bessy along with her but to no avail.

"I will miss you too milady," she said as she smiled through her tears. Arianna walked reluctantly down the stairs towards her brother's study.

She paused outside the door to wipe away her tears. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

"My Lord you asked to see me?" She said frostily as soon as she had been permitted to enter the room.

"Yes my dear. Come, have a seat," he offered. You'd think someone so handsome would have a heart. He was the most vile person she had yet to meet.

"I know you don't want to marry the Duke but its the only way to keep our holdings, you are not doing this for me, but for papa so that his legacy can continue,"

"You are such a hypocrite!" She lashed out.

"How dare you? You have defiled this family's name with your extravagant gambling practices! You are the one who has compromised this estate so don't you dare mention papa!" Her eyes flashed with the anger and disgust which raged through her.

"I have provided you with all that you need! You spoiled brat!" Andrew bellowed "You better be thankful that your betrothed isn't old so he should be able to satisfy you in bed!"

Arianna gasped at his callousness. She shook her head and got up from the hard, uncomfortable chair and stood tall with her chin tilted up.

"You are a disappointment, and I'm sure papa is turning in his grave. He would never have forced me to marry a stranger. I wish for you all the misery that life has to offer. Good bye brother," and with that she strode purposefully from his study.

Andrew had hated his little sister from the day she had been conceived and he hated her mother even more. His mother had died giving birth to him and It had always been him and his father until he met the beautiful Catalina Arnold. Within a few weeks of meeting her, they were married. Andrew was just seven years old at the time but the pain of rejection was still fresh in his mind. His father rarely had time for him, all he could think of was his new wife and their unborn child.

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