Meet... Me

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"Whoop! There it is! Oh! That's right! Who's the champ at basketball, boys?" I called to my guy friends, who were panting on the sidelines.

"Iris is," they groaned out. I was working up a sweat too but I wasn't entirely pooped as they were.

"That's right." I was smirking. I bet each of them I could kick their sorry asses together. And I did! "Loser--Oops, I mean losers--buy lunch at Denny's!" I could hear them groaning again and I just laughed. "You guys can each grab a cold water bottle from the fridge in the garage, but only ONE!" They thanked me then headed into the garage for refreshment from the hot, summer sun. I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom to change out of my basketball shorts into something a little less boyish-- A band t-shirt and some jean shorts. I pulled my messy hair into a floppy pony tail and hopped down the steps. Now, I was panting. I nearly fell off the last step but Nick caught me before I could faceplant into the granite.

"Whoa. Slow down, Iris, you're gonna ruin that adorable face of yours!" he teased. I just rolled my eyes at him and pulled him outside to Jason's car where they were calling us.

Alright, now seems like a good place to pause and explain about me.

Hi, my name's Iris. Like the Greek goddess, but y'know, that's, like, 'whatever'. I've got black hair and green eyes, a round face, and I weight around the end of the hundreds (don't all you boys jump up at once). I mention my weight because (let's be honest) it's almost as big as my real personality. I add the word "real" there because I'm not me around anyone but Nick,  Cameron, and my best girl friend Evangeline. She wasn't around this summer because her parents wanted to go on a cross-country road trip. You'd think that, with her being 16, they'd have figured she didn't want to go. You'd be wrong. Very wrong. But back to me. I've never actually had more than three or four friends before, but everyone in school knows me and I'm polite to everyone. Well.. almost everyone. There was this girl I was friends with for a year or two, Chelsea, before she started to basically ruin my life. I'm not gonna go into that at the moment, we're trying to have fun here. I was always a sort of "out there" person, but I wasn't into all the trends and all. I just did Me. So when a rep from this drama camp came and talked all about it and all the cool stuff we could do, I signed right up. Now it was only a week away from Camp Breakaleg (funny name, I know) and I was trying to see my friends for a bit before I had to go for two weeks. And that brings us up to speed on the whole Me segment. 

As Jason parked in the small, run-down Denny's, I undid my seatbelt and hopped out of the car since I was sitting by the door. As the rest of the guys piled out, I did a mental head-count. Cameron, Nick, Jason, Sebastian, and Taz all got out and followed me inside. Jase took the lead and told Jenny we were gonna take our table while Cameron and I stared into The Claw Game and tried to figure out which stuffed animal would be the easiest to catch. When Jase called, we all went to our usual table in the back and I pushed my way into the seat by the window. They piled into the rest of the booth and stared down the menu though everyone would get the same as they always did since we'd all had everything on the menus. As they went around telling what they wanted, I suddenly bit my tongue. Should I really get my usual? It wasn't very healthy of me since mom'd been pushing me to start my diet again... 

"I'll just have a water and the house salad, Jen. Thanks." My boys looked at me in shock and Cameron gave me the look. Jen simply nodded in understanding and walked off to put in our orders. It was a long ten minutes of silence before it was suddenly broken by a voice.

"Iris, why do you let her boss you around? Did she mention another diet?" Cam said, his voice oozing disappointment as he put his hand over his eyebrows. 

" Yeah, Iris. Don't let her get into your head. You look great no matter what she says," Sebastian chimed in. They were making me feel depressed more than happy about my weight.

"What? No. Guys, I just think I should eat more vegetables, that's all..." I said, trying to convince them (and a bit of me). 

"Bull. Shit."

"Yeah, Iris, you're lying through your teeth. We all know how much you hate salad."

"Yeah. Don't do this for her. Do something for you." They all began talking at once and I just threw my hands up.

"Just stop, ok? Stop it! You don't get it! You won't ever get it! Just stop it. Don't. Please." I was near tears. I didn't want this... not from them. They were my friends and all but I wasn't going to get lectured again. I got up and climbed over to the empty booth beside us and hopped out.

"You guys know nothing. And I'm not up to teaching you a lesson about it. Tell Jen I had to go." I shook my head as the tears came and I just walked out of the diner. I knew they all wanted to come after me... They were good guys like that. But they also knew I needed my space now, more than I needed a muscular shoulder to cry on. I couldn't take it. I walked home and climbed into bed then pulled the comforter over my head. Why couldn't I just be skinny like everyone else?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is sort of like my personal story but it's a little bit different. Plus the whole "the people in this story's names have been changed to protect their identities" thing. It's going to be kinda tough so I really need help from you guys. I would love it if I could get at least 5 votes? Thanks so much for reading guys. Vomment. 


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