A Little More Romance, A Bonfire, and One Hell of a Punch

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No. It couldn't be only two more days until Camp ended! Now that I looked back on it, I hadn't really spent much time doing anything related to Drama, just got involved in a lot of it. After Eric started to clue me in that he was actually interested in me, I'd sort of zoned out of my class studies. But I had bigger fish to fry. In the past couple days, Kaitlyn (Slut 1, if you didn't remember) kept giving Nikki this dirty look, so Nikki nearly knocked me out of my bunk while I was searching my bag for clothes, shouting, "I'm gonna kill this bitch!", you could say she was fairly P-O'd.

"Shit, Nik, at least wait until I'm dressed before you go into full-on crazy mode!"

I rolled off my bed like a beached whale and looked at her.

"What'd she do now?" It was always the little things that pissed Nikki off. The way Kaitlyn fakely giggled at stuff any guy said, and recently she'd been hanging about Todd more (By more, I mean at all). How her skirts were always a mile too short and her boots her always a mile too long. What, was she training for the Hooker-lympics? I bet she takes home the Gold, Silver, and Bronze! (Nik and I had this theory that her toes are always so squished together in those size 5 1/2's that her feet are like Barbie's) How she questioned ev-ery-thing the instructors told us, in an attempt to show how "innocent" she is. Psht, innocent my two-ton ass!

"Just. Look," Nikki said, venom oozing from her voice. She yanked me to the windowpane just by our bunk.

"What exactly am I looking at-- Oh, no. No, she didn't. That's just low." My jaw nearly dropped. Every single article of clothing of Nikki's, including bras and panties, were dipped in mud and hung out on the low-hanging electrical wires to dry in front of the boy's cabins. This was B-A-D... Wow. Is it stuffy in here? Nah, that's just the the steam rising from Nikki's head. 

"Calm down, Nikki... I-I know this looks bad... I mean, shit, how'd she even get up there?--But that isn't the point. You need to just calm down and breathe... Just breathe. Hee, hoo. Hee, hoooo--whoa!" I shouted as she jerked me outside and down the path. For a skinny girl, she sure has an iron grip. 

The Satanic Skank was lounging on a lawn chair with her band of Junkyard Barbie’s. Nik and I were still in our jammies, (Mine had little penguins swimming among glaciers, hers had electric guitars and kissing lips) as we marched over there.

"Ooh, I love what you've done with your wardrobe, Nikole! I'm sure that brown color will go perfect with all the other shit you wear," Kaitlyn said, setting down a cup of grape juice beside her heart-healthy plate of granola with a side of extra granola. Ooh, breakfast! Shh, now is not the time, Tummy! The Clan of Class-A Crackheads stood by Kaitlyn's side and all ooh'd like first graders.

"Like, you totes burned her, Kait!" one of her minions said as the others pointed at Nikki's hanging mud-embraced clothing and laughed like a parade of donkeys.

"Hey, Iris!" Nikki chirped to me, mimicking the skank's tone, "Like, do you think it's gonna burn with my foot shoved up her ass?"

"Like, oh em gee, Nik, totes!" I replied before we stared Kaitlyn down. I had her back. My tummy and I were going nowhere. But the fooooood, Iris! Shush, you tub of acid!

"What the hell is...? Nikki, you ok?" Todd said as he came over. His hair was tied back and he made me think of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. He glanced around the delicate line that held apart the two main girls. Todd ran over to Nikki's side and whispered something in her ear, at which she nodded to and returned her glare on Kaitlyn.

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