The Path Less Traveled By

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As I made my way to the trail to meet Eric, the sun was climbing down from it's place in the sky. I stopped at the beginning of the path and turned to watch the clouds hug the sky and paint it with blues and pinks and purples. I gave a sigh to myself and closed my eyes.

Finally some peace and qui--

"Iris, there you are! Come on, quick, before the sun sets!"

Eric came up from behind me and turned my wrist to him, in order to pull me along, making my whole body lurch forword and topple to the floor at his feet with an ungraceful "OOF!"

"Oh bloody-- I'm so sorry, Iris! I suppose I am a tad clumsy... Oh here!" He took my upper arm and helped me up. I wasn't in the most prized attitude all day and falling at his feet was making me cranky.

"Eric, y'know, maybe I should just go back to my cabin..." I began, not in the mood for a long walk down the bumpy trail.

He frowned and I swear my heart dropped into my ass. Sadness didn't look good on him... At all. He sighed and replied,"Iris, I know you don't want to go back to those stuffy cabins. Please, please, just come with me this once and if you aren't having fun, I swear, I'll bring you straight back."

"You swear?" I asked him, getting a little playful. "You swear on what?"

He gave me a confused look then realized I was joking. He gave me a grin and replied, "I swear, on the Queen, I will bring you straight back if you are not having fun."

I smiled slightly and gave him a short nod. It was really exciting to flirt with an attractive guy and have him flirt back. So many times I'd been put into the friendzone because I wasn't as skinny or pretty as the other girls around me. It felt like a childish hike as we walked down the rugged path before he stopped at a fork in the paths.

Eric stood before me then announced to me softly, "Choose." I blinked.

"Choose what? Our path? No, no, you choose. I'd probably lead us into a snake pit or something..." I replied worriedly. But Eric simply shook his head and gave me a look. I sighed and looked down both paths.

One was straight and brightly lit by the orange sun with colorful wildflowers along the path. There looked like old sneaker prints in it so it looked like most people went that way to the Lounge Hall some mornings as a short cut.

The opposite path was just that: entirely opposite. It was a more windy road with little rocks and logs in the mud of the path. It had short weeds that grew in the undergrowth and was darker thanks to great, looming trees that cut out the setting sun's touch.

Once I'd examined the paths I thought for a moment and smiled to myself. I took Eric's arm and yanked him towards the second path, making sure I kept my feet up to keep from tripping. He laughed excitedly and whooped loudly, taking my hand and lacing our fingers as he ran beside me. I wanted the challenge, adventure, mystery. He wanted to do this with me. I couldn't have had a bigger smile on. We stopped for a moment, when both of us had ran short of breath, and we checked out our surroundings. I saw a light up ahead and walked on before him, knowing that he'd follow. As I came as close to the light as I could, a small patch of tall, skinny trees stood before me.

I took a step and carefully weeved through them, watching my step as I internally hated that I was only getting stuck between these trees because of my weight. I made it through the patch a moment later and I took a step back.

We'd hiked up the trail around the lake. I stood on a sturdy, gigantic boulder looming over the lake. Eric came up from behind me and gasped same as I did. I'd never seen a more breathtaking view of the sunset. He stood beside me and I felt his arm brush mine. Talk about romantic setting...

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