Chapter 2:

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I screamed and jumped backwards. The thing zipped past my head and flew to the corner. It sat on one of my books. I reached to grab the journal and held it to my chest. The thing tried to grab my fathers journal, and I reckon it'll attempt to grab it again. Thunder crashed outside and started to rain. I broke from my stance and ran to the flying thing. I smacked it and it soared out if the window. I ran to close it. When I did, I slid to the ground.

That thing... That thing attempted to take the journal. Why??

I got up and quickly walked to my bed. My father was hiding something. And this something was probably the reason why he was killed. As I hastily picked up the journal, an envelope slipped out. It was crisp. Which meant it hadn't been open. The envelope was lavender and had a wierd looking design on the front. It was dark ink and it scrolled in a circle. It reached the bottom of the page and went back up. It repeated the design twice.

I slid my finger on the top and is plopped open.

I put my hand in and felt a slip of paper.

It was folded landscape style. I un-folded it and it was once again my fathers handwriting.

"My dearest Kealiygh,

I regret to inform you that I won't be able to see you on your seventeenth birthday. I wonder where all the years have gone. It seems like just yesterday... Thats not important. What is, is that I know you will find this letter. The letter that is in my journal. I digress. People have been attempting to grab this journal. And I know for certain that they'll kill me in the next 48 hours. When you find this, go to England. There is a collegue I know personally who resides there. For now. I have provided a one way ticket on the ferri that'll take you there. I am not asking you to do this. That is entirely up to you. I am merely... Providing a nudge in that direction. I hope you do. And... I gotta go. They are here. I love you Kealiygh. I'll forever be in your heart and mind."

A tear managed to escape the barriers of my eyelids. What did my father get involved in. And if I go to England, will I recieve the same fate? I looked over at the clock hanging on my wall. It was late. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to a thumping noise. It seemed to go into a rhythm. I squinted my eyes to catch a glimpse of anything in the darkness. Then I became lightheaded. I turned my head to my fathwrs journal. Then a bright light flashed in my eyes.

I looked around at my surroundings. I was on a bed. The sheets were a rough wool that sxrathced my skin raw. It was a dark color; like the colour of a mushy puddle.

My hair was cascading past my shoulders. I wore peasent clothing. It was a grey cloth that wrapped my breasts and touched my ankles. The footwear layers were thin and worn out. I looked around and found a door.

I got up and walked towards the door. It was brown and clearly made out of wood. Of which kind was beyond me. I opened it and found myself on a field.

Blacks were on the field picking cotton and other harvests. I noticed my clothing and noticed that I wasn't in peasent clothing anymore. I wore a peach dress that that wasn't too poofy. The neckline was made of ruffles and the material was clung together by chain links.

"Annabelle!" someone called behind me. I swiftly turned and saw a short, round man. He had pink cheeks and white hair. His beard was trimmed and was also grey. He wore painclothes and had a pocket watch in his pockets.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Your father is looking for you. Follow me, please," he said walking back the direction he came. I followed him walking back to a white building. Flowers of diffrent colours and bushes were all neatly trimmed. The shutters were open, causing the curtains to gracefully flow out ofthem. Blacks-who clearly were slaves- were doing their ordinary buisness. I never liked the twrm 'slave'. They were people as well. The ones we have at home are part of my family.

Not 'slaves' or 'blacks'. People.

I walked in the grand foyer and saw a tall man. He had dark hair and wore glasses.

The man was my father.


I found myself back into my room. Rain was pouring heavily outside.

What just happened? Did I- did I- I dont even know how to explain it. Or if I could even talk about it. Let alone think about it.

But one thing was certain.

I was going to England.


thanks for the reads! its all coolio! sorry i took 4eva to upload! Its amazing! :)

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