one: the pub

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(please review trigger warnings before reading!! 18+ readers only)
Blair Jenkins wasn't happy with her bank balance.

She had graduated university approximately three weeks ago, and her financial aid was drying up rapidly. She needed a job, but she didn't want to settle for the first random job she could find on the internet; she wanted to take her time with her search. If this was going to be the beginning of her marketing career, she wanted to find somewhere she would actually enjoy working - with decent hours and a nice salary plus benefits.

But she also needed money, like, yesterday.

"Why don't you work at the pub with me for the summer until you can find something you really love?" Her best friend and roommate Char proposed, padding over to sit down next to Blair who was situated on their couch with her laptop in tow.

A couple of months ago, Charlene started working as a cocktail waitress at Perry's Pub and Pool Hall, an establishment just around the corner from their Manchester flat. While Blair didn't necessarily like the thought of working a service job, she knew Char brought home a decent amount of money for only working a few nights per week. And if Blair worked there, it would only be temporary.

"If I do that, I don't want to be a hostess or server," Blair told Charlene bluntly. "I would want to do what you do. Do they need another cocktail waitress?"

Char's lips curved into a smile and she nodded. "I'm sure Niall could make room on the payroll. I'll text him now." She began tapping away on her phone, her teeth digging into her bottom lip.

"What are you going to say?" Blair's eyes flickered with contemplation.

Setting her phone on the coffee table, Char leaned back and turned to face her flat mate. "I told him my hot friend wants to be a cocktail waitress."


"What?" She chirped. "I mean I guess you don't have to be good looking to be a cocktail waitress, but it certainly helps! Plus, it's true. Own it, girl!"

Blushing sheepishly, Blair shut her laptop. "Well, thanks. He's not going to make you send him a picture of me, is he?"

"Hell no," Char retorted. "Niall isn't creepy like that."

"And Niall is the owner?"

Charlene's phone buzzed and she snatched it hastily from the table. "The owner's son," she corrected. "He mostly tends bar. Oh! He wants us to come up tonight so you can meet everyone and to see if you like the vibe."

"I guess we could do that," Blair agreed as she picked at her nails. "I'll need to figure out what to wear."


Blair had never been to Charlene's place of work.

Strolling down the sidewalk with Char, Blair noticed the glowing sign at the entrance of the pub, a couple of the letters missing bulbs. She clutched her arms around her sides, despite the warm June weather. She wasn't cold, she was just nervous. She never did well with meeting new people. She was the type of person who was shy at first, but eventually opened up after stewing in her surroundings for a little bit. Alcohol helped.

Blair ended up wearing a black halter top with criss-crossing straps on her décolletage, high-waisted jeans and strappy black heels. Her dark brown hair was styled in loose waves and her makeup was heavier than usual. She had spent extra time contouring her cheek bones and blending smoky pigment onto her eyelids.

"Let's go get a drink!" Char brightened. "Niall said his shift is done at eight so he'll be off in about ten minutes, but you can meet him real quick at the bar."

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