five: the fallout

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(a/n: this is not edited!! and also is a little shorter than the other chapters, but I hope you still like it!)


Blair hadn't expected to be blindsided so soon into hers and Harry's "relationship."

She and Char were lounging that Sunday morning, two days after Blair and Harry's time spent outside the pub, watching Love Island and eating their breakfast.

"This show reminds me each year that boys are proper dickheads," Blair commented while finishing up her blueberry muffin. "I'm kind of glad Harry and I decided against a full blown relationship. They're too complicated."

Char had been suspiciously quiet all morning. Sighing, she sat up on the couch and turned the volume down on the television. "Well, speaking of dickheads..."

Blair raised her eyebrows and let out an awkward laugh, hoping Char wasn't about to reveal anything too horrible. "Yeah, I know Harry is a dick, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt."

"Blair," Char peered at her friend with apologetic eyes as she continued,
"I erm...saw Harry making out with another girl last night at my shift."

Blair's smile fell and she crossed one leg over the other, contemplating what Char had just told her. She couldn't be mad, could she? She was literally just saying she was glad she and Harry weren't in an exclusive relationship. But seriously, the day after he had sex with her he goes and snogs another woman? It was a little cringey in Blair's view.

"Are you okay?" Char asked.

"I suppose so," Blair replied as she gathered up the dishes from the coffee table to bring them into the kitchen. "I mean, the fact it was literally the day after we fucked sort of gives me the ick, but what can I do? He's not my boyfriend."

She tried to shrug it off and act like everything was fine the rest of the day, but deep down she had to admit to herself that she was a little annoyed. Harry texted her that evening with one of his cheeky little anecdotes, but she decided she wouldn't reply until the morning — make him sweat a little.

She continued texting him throughout the week without any mention of the other girl, curious if he would bring it up or not. She wasn't surprised when he didn't.

Harry invited Blair to come over to his house on Thursday afternoon to watch a movie, and she figured the day would either end with sex or an argument. Either way, she wanted to turn the heat up by wearing something a little more scandalous than usual — but still comfortable to lounge in. She put on a baby pink lace bralette that complimented her tan, and a matching thong. She normally didn't wear thongs so she hoped she wouldn't get too uncomfortable.

She pulled her black crop leggings up over her bottom and sauntered to the bathroom to curl her hair and put on a light layer of makeup. After receiving Char's approval, she grabbed her purse and slipped on her pink flip flops, anxiously waiting for the Uber to arrive.


When Harry opened the door, he smirked as his eyes went to Blair's chest almost immediately, and she couldn't help but feel pleased with herself. He was dressed down in only a form-fitting black t-shirt and black boxer briefs, the tiger tattoo on his thigh on full display.

"Looks like we had similar ideas on how to dress for the day," he chuckled as he took her by the waist and kissed her cheek. "Come on in." He placed his large hand at the small of her back and guided her into the house, motioning for her to take her shoes off and set them at the front door. He led her to the basement and asked her what she wanted to drink as there was a full bar set up next to the sitting area.

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