Extra: Blairrry in their Vacation Era

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Helloooooo! I missed writing about these two so I figured I'd write something for them. This is basically a little over 3k words of mostly smut (you're welcome). YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO READ THIS ALONG WITH ANY OF MY OTHER WRITINGS. Thank you and please vote/comment! (this is unedited, btw)


Bending down to zip her fully packed suitcase, Blair felt Harry's large hand smack across her ass with a harsh sting. She squeezed her eyes shut and stood back up to find him smirking devilishly behind her.

"Save it for the cabin, you horndog," she giggled as she rubbed her glutes with her hand. "Jesus."

Taking his girlfriend by the waist from behind and pulling her to his front, he pressed kisses along her neck before breathing into her ear, Blair feeling his long locks of hair brushing against her skin. "Believe me, baby, I've got some major plans for you on this trip." She felt his lips quirk up against the vein along the side of her neck. "But honestly, how am I supposed to not spank you when your bottoms are more like a second skin than they are leggings?"

"So?" She turned around with a playful look on her face. "You've got a shirt on with almost all the buttons undone and it's not like I'm ripping it off trying to pinch your nipples."

"I wish you would," he chided with a swoop of his tongue around his lips as he grabbed his duffel bag.

Blair sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "C'mon Harry, we don't have time for this. We're already running late."

The couple had rented a cabin in the Rocky Mountains for their 6 month anniversary. Since it was February, they were expecting a week of relaxing while staring out at the snow, sipping hot cocoa and cozying up by the fireplace. The cabin also had a hot tub on the back patio, which Harry was looking forward to the most.

Their flight was at 3pm and it was already 1 o'clock; they needed to be at the airport checking their luggage, but here they were still at home.

Blair couldn't help but laugh as her boyfriend put his leather jacket over his shirt, still keeping his chest on display before zipping the jacket. What was the point in having the buttons undone then?

They rushed out the door to Blair's car, with Harry insisting to drive as usual. He smiled at his girl and shook his head as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"What?" She jested, pulling down the mirror to see if she had something on her makeup free face (she never dressed up for flights, because why would you?).

Putting the car in drive and backing out of their parking spot, Harry's mouth was stretched into a wide smile. "Nothing," he giggled. "You just look like a cute little snow bunny in your ugg boots and knitted hat."

They reached the stoplight at the entrance of the apartment building as the light was red. Blair blushed and took Harry's right hand in both of hers and kissed the back of his palm. "You look cute, too."

He turned to face her and gave her a heart melting simper, leaning across the center console and planting a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you, babe. We're gonna have an amazing time."


After a romantic dinner and a couple hours of Harry being the sweetest thing on earth, his demeanor changed when he told Blair to get in her bathing suit for the hot tub with a vehement look on his face, his eyes frozen on the girl like they were burning her soul.

She gladly obeyed him, knowing she was in for a night of pure ecstasy. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect but she knew she could trust her boyfriend. The pair had discussed taking their sexual endeavors to the next level on this trip, but also reiterated their boundaries to each other. Harry asked Blair if she would be comfortable with certain things but also asked her to name her limits. This had been a topic of discussion on several occasions so Blair felt ready. She knew he was about to be more dominant than ever but that's the way she wanted it, and she also knew she could tell him to stop at any time and that he would listen.

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