nine: the realization

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(this was edited quickly, sorry for any mistakes. 18+ readers only)


Blair hated to admit it, but she was quite the sucker for Harry's sweet talk. It didn't help that her period was right around the corner and she was in the midst of hormonal agony.

The couple were wrapped up in Blair's sheets and Harry was doing everything he could to convince her to stay in bed instead of getting up to get ready for her 'girls day' with Char that had been planned a few days ago. They were going to get their nails done, do a little shopping and then get some lunch. Blair had been looking forward to it because she felt like she hadn't spent one-on-one time with her best mate in a while.

"Harry!" Blair squealed as he swung his leg over her thighs and clamped her against his body, his strength no match for her. "I promised Char I'd be ready when she got back from the grocery shop. She's gonna be back in like twenty minutes!"

"So?" Harry protested. "All you have to do is get up and get dressed, that will take all of thirty seconds."

Blair gaped at him like he had sprouted another head on his shoulders. "Are you kidding me? You know it takes me longer than that to get ready. I have to wash my face, brush my teeth, do my makeup, find something to wear and get dressed."

Harry tutted at her and pressed his pointer finger to her chin. "Babyyyyyy...we've been over this. You don't need makeup. You're almost too pretty. You've got those sultry eyes, a cute little nose, gorgeous lips and perfect skin." He smoothed his hand over her hip as she rolled onto her side to face him, noticing the blush in her cheeks. "Oh? Do you want me to continue?"

Blair poked at his bare chest and pouted. "Of course I want you to continue, but I don't have time for this! Why do you have to be so charming?"

"It's a gift, I suppose." Harry gave her a lopsided grin and then kissed her, his hair hanging over her face like curtains. "Hey, do you have an extra elastic I can borrow?"

"In the bedside table — top drawer."

Harry flipped over and opened the drawer to reach inside, feeling around for an elastic. After a few seconds, he froze at the feel of what he was pretty sure was a...

"Uh, Blair? Has this always been here?"

Blair looked over and her breath hitched in her throat. Harry was grasping her hot pink vibrator in his large hand, the cockiest smirk of his she'd ever seen adorning his face.

She glanced from his blazing eyes to the toy in his hand, clearing her throat. "No...I just rearranged some things the other day so...."

"Oh I see," he responded, the corner of his mouth curling upwards. "Wait, did you want me to find this here?"

Blair gulped and began twirling the ends of her hair between her fingers. Honestly, the thought had crossed her mind when she was reorganizing her room the other day, but she didn't have an exact plan for this, and especially not for today. She couldn't deny her excitement though, not with that look on his face that turned her to putty in mere seconds.

"No, of course not," she refuted as her boyfriend edged closer to her.

Tracing his finger along the band of her panties, he leaned into her and brushed his lips over the pulse point in her neck. "You're a terrible liar, Blair," he murmured against her hotly. "And now you're definitely not going anywhere."

Blair rolled her lips into her mouth and glanced at the clock on her dresser. "Fine, but it has to be quick."

Harry wasted no time and yanked her panties off of her to shove his hand between her legs, his fingers sliding between her already wet folds. "With one of these I don't think that will be a problem," he reached for the vibrator that was now on the pillow next to his head, peering at his girl to weigh her reaction. Her eyes were wide and she was biting her lip. She had used one of these on herself before but never had a partner participate, so she couldn't help but be a little nervous and she could tell that Harry noticed. "Lay on your back. S'just me, yeah? You trust me?"

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