ten: the L word

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(a/n: as usual, 18+ READERS ONLY!!!!! Announcement at the end!)


Tonight was the night, and Harry was a nervous wreck.

Zayn and Marissa were a few steps ahead of him as the three made their way into the pub, Niall standing behind the bar with a waggish smile on his face.

"Harry!" Niall goaded. "Barely recognized ya, mate."

Climbing onto a barstool and sitting next to his half-sister with Zayn on her other side, Harry scowled and rolled his eyes. He knew Niall was talking about his new haircut, which really wasn't too dramatic of a change. He had cut three inches off of his long locks, the ends stopping a little past his chin now.

Harry fished his wallet out of his back pocket, tossing it onto the bartop before responding. "Shut up, Niall. Get me a beer."

"Ouch," Zayn chided. "Hope you're in a better mood when you go on your date tonight, H."

"I think you look very nice, Harry," Marissa complimented and Harry nodded to her in silent gratitude.

"What's the occasion anyway?" Niall asked, examining his best friend as he set the draft beer in front of him on a coaster. Niall had never seen Harry put together like this before; his hair was styled with some sort of product brushing it off to the side, he was wearing a luxurious scented cologne that was different from his every day fragrance, and his black button up only had one button undone instead of the usual 3 or 4. Niall noticed that it even looked like he had shaved and moisturized afterwards. Granted, it wasn't an enormous step up from his usual attire, but he never knew Harry to put this much effort into his appearance.

"Harry's taking Blair out and saying the L word," Zayn informed Niall as he pointed to the drink he wanted on the menu.

"Lambchops?" Niall guessed with a smirk, Zayn snickering along with him and Marissa slapping a palm to her face, annoyed with the both of them.

"Harry's gonna tell Blair he loooooves her." Zayn batted his eyelashes and Harry gave him the finger.

"Will you two stop it?" Marissa interjected. "Harry is clearly nervous and you guys aren't helping."

At that point, Niall's father joined him behind the bar and kinked an eyebrow at his son and his group of friends. "What's all the fuss about over here?"

"Hi Perry," Marissa greeted the older man with a smile. "Niall and Zayn are making fun of Harry."

"Yep, and now I'm going to ask your dad for advice, per usual," Harry stated as he glared at Niall, "because I can't be arsed with you two idiots."

"Just ignore them," Perry remarked as he gave the boys a scolding look. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

"No problem," Harry replied and rolled his lips into his mouth. "It's just, tonight I am taking Blair out and I want to tell her I love her — but I don't know how or when to tell her, yeh know?"

"Well, what kind of date is it? Where are you taking her?"

As Harry explained the details of the date, Perry listened with a proud smile on his face, happy that his son's best friend had found someone. Marissa was listening too and she knew Blair was going to be thrilled with his plans.

"I'll tell ya what," Perry reckoned after Harry was done talking. "I don't think it matters how or when you tell her, just as long as you mean it."

"Of course I mean it!" Harry quipped.

"I know you do, Harry." Perry put his hands up in defense. "But just make sure when you tell her, you do it in a way where she knows. Don't just say it, but let her feel your love, you get me?"

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