eight: the question

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(a/n: this is unedited, sorry. will hopefully edit at a later time. I hope you still like it! as always, 18+ readers only)


Harry's stomach was bubbling with nerves.

He had woken up with his wrist draped lazily over Blair's waist, the girl still sleeping soundly with her head buried into her pillow. Harry tried to be as inconspicuous as he could as he got out of bed, tip-toeing out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

Sorting through the kitchenware in the cabinets as quietly as he could, he almost cursed out loud when he couldn't find a simple sheet pan for the breakfast he was planning. He rarely cooked for himself so he hardly remembered where his mum had kept everything.

Finally finding what he was looking for, he set the pan on top of the stove and grabbed the package of cinnamon rolls from the fridge.

Blair woke up to the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs, and then her nostrils were invaded with the smell of cinnamon. Harry entered the room with a huge, crooked smile on his face, his curls combed and fluffy around his shoulders as he held onto a breakfast tray. His gray t-shirt was hugging his biceps, chest muscles and abs, and Blair didn't know if she was hungrier for the food he had prepared or the man who had prepared it.

Before she could see what was on the tray, a realization came over her. "Harry!" She scolded. "It's your birthday. I should be the one making you breakfast!"

Placing the tray on her lap and tipping her chin up with his index finger, he kissed her cheek and grinned at her. "This makes me happy, though." He reasoned. "And that's what matters on someone's birthday, hm? Being happy?"

"Alright fine, but" — Blair gasped as she looked down at the tray.

There were 9 cinnamon rolls arranged by three's in rows, and the icing across the top of them was piped into words.

will u be my gf?

Harry was knelt down beside the bed now, taking one of her hands in his.

Blair remembered telling herself that if this moment ever came to pass, she would answer 'yes' immediately. So she wasn't sure why there was a tiny bit of doubt swimming around her belly as she peered into his hopeful green eyes. Would she take the risk of being with a man who used to see her as a game? The man who after kissing her for the first time showed up with a different woman at their next meeting? The man who had said there was no reason to respect her?

Then she thought back to the day her dad died. Harry had been the one to comfort her the most, the one who understood exactly what she was going through. He apologized for his behavior that day, and had said it was a facade he was putting on to protect himself. He had proven over the last month that he could be loyal to her, and it wasn't just the fact that she was the only girl he'd been spending his time with — he showed her in other ways too. She could see the fondness in his eyes for her, feel the adoration with each tender kiss to her lips. She couldn't not give him a chance, he deserved one as much as the next person. Plus, her feelings for him weren't going anywhere, if anything they were growing.

"Blair?" Harry broke her from her thoughts, anxiety taking over his features.

She exhaled with a smile, squeezing his hands in hers. "I think it'd be nice to call you my boyfriend."

A smile spread across Harry's face as he stood up, cupping her cheeks in his hands and kissing her emphatically. His hand traced down her shoulder to her upper arm and he slowly rubbed up and down as he left kisses down her chin to her ear. "Let me go get the mimosas," he breathed, kissing her neck once more.

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