Chapter 2

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The next morning

Izuku's pov

As we sat on the couch watching tv and cuddling, I had an odd feeling that this felt normal and I kinda liked it,

"So what are we going to do"

Albedo: "Oh well, we could become heroes"

"I guess we could. But then we would have to train"

Albedo: "Well, all I know is that I don't want to be a villain. I was already that and that didn't do very well"

"I guess we can try for UA I have a few people I want to piss of for being alive again"

Albedo: "Yeah, I guess this means we're going to be heroes "

"I guess it does"

Albedo: "Well let's start training our powers"

"Don't have to tell me twice"


A few months later

At first training our telekinesis and pyrokinesis were hard since we would have to control the fire/object they were using, then we would have to try to attack with it. It made it way harder then it already was but soon mastered it in a month. Training with weapons for the next month wasn't as hard as the first month because if we got cut we would heal almost instantly but I was having some side effects when I got cut. I would always have a face of pleasure or let off a small moan if he got hurt, but by the end of the month, they were masters with our weapons. Training with our forms was the hardest one, yet we worked our bodies to the max so we could easily use the second form for up to an hour. For the next two months, we worked on stamina and didn't have any problems. The last three months consisted of us going on dates and shopping for fabrics for our hero costumes. We already were pretty powerful with our 'quirks' so we decided to just relax for once. In the end, I decided on two separate costumes, one for day shifts and the other for night shifts. A day before the exams I decided to get a tattoo sleeve that symbolized life after death while Albedo got a thigh tattoo, also both of us got piercings. After a long few months, we laid down together and decided to sleep until the exams started later,

Alarm: "GET UP GET UP GET UP GET U-" It screamed before I slammed my whole fist on top of it,

I got up out of bed to do the normal routine of brushing my teeth and making food for us while Albedo took a shower and brushed her teeth. When she was done I went to take a shower and then came back to eat so we could go to the entrance exams. Once we got to the UA gates we saw a girl trip and before either of us could help, she started to float while an ash blonde boy bumped into another kid,

'Still a dick I see'

While he was yelling at the guy who bumped into him, two more people walked up to him and tried to calm him down. Those people, unfortunately, were Izumi and Katsumi,

Albedo: "Hey Izuku that green-haired girl looks like you when you were dead" she asked curiously,

I glared at the girl when she pointed it out and sighed while fiddling with my mask,

"Well you see, she's my sister that almost killed me a few times. So yeah, she is gonna look like me" I explained while making sure my mask was on correctly,

Albedo: "Wait, what the fuck do you mean she's almost killed you a few times!" she exclaimed which caused a few people to look at us,

"Well, you see her Quirk is telekinesis. She can move shit with her mine. Also anything she touches  can teleport to her own dimension. She can also go into her dimension, but when her quirk appeared she was holding my hand which put me into her dimension leaving me bleeding on the ground. This happened a few more times and when I told mom she didn't care because she was mom's favorite"

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