Chapter 20

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Date Night

Izuku's pov

"Ok Aizawa should be here soon. If he doesn't get here soon I feel like I'm going to explode due to anticipation"

Just as I was about to blow up his phone with a million texts, the doorbell rang which made me perk up with a grin,

"Oh there's the doorbell. Must be him!"

I went to get to the door and he saw Aizawa in his hero suit,

"Come in come in. Make yourself at home"

Aizawa: "Thank you for helping me out with this"

"Don't worry, it's the least I can do. But right now we need to get you dressed for your date"

I handed him a complete outfit alongside some hair gel, a hairdryer, and a shaving kit. I told him to make himself look nice and escorted him to the guest room and waited for him to finish. About ten minutes later he walked back into the living room where we were playing video games,

Aizawa: "I don't know about this" he said walking in as Albedo died,

Albedo: "No, it's perfect did you tell her where you two are going?"

Aizawa: "Yes"

Albedo: "Perfect"

"We're going to be following you to make sure that everything is perfect, okay?"

Aizawa: "Ok"

"Now go pick up Emi and go to the restaurant. We'll be there if anything goes wrong"

Aizawa: "Alright see ya later"

Aizawa then left our apartment and went to go pick up Ms Joke. Albedo, Eri, and I got dressed up in our own clothes and made our way to the resteraunt. Our family of three decided to start sitting down talking while we all had fake mustaches on,

"Ok babe we have to make this perfect"

Albedo: "I know but how"

"First, we pay for the bill. Then they go on a walk to the park and we make sure nobody is there to bother them or ruin the mood. Then we have to check the alleys to make sure no one is there. There have been creeps around there at some times. Once in the park, I have scoped out the perfect place for them to sit in a darkish area, but not that dark because of the street lights and the light from the moon"

Albedo: "I got it and what do I get in return for helping you"

"You can choose anything you want"

She covered Eri's ears before giving me a look,

Albedo: "Sexual?"

"Yes even sexual"

Albedo: "Alright consider it done" she said before uncovering Eri's ears,

Soon the doors to the restaurant opened. We both looked and saw the new couple. Emi had her hair down and was in a nice-looking dress, while Aizawa was in the suit I gave him,

Emi: "Wow Aizawa you really outdid yourself taking me to this nice place"

Aizawa: "Well I hope you enjoy this place because this is my first time being here"

Emi: "Really Holy crap, I bet you don't know how expensive everything is"

They walked to the lady at the front desk and started talking to her,

Aizawa: "Hello my name is Shota Aizawa, I think I should have a reservation here"

Lady: "Let me see" she flipped through her book looking for his name, "Oh there you are. You are also in the VIP seating. So I'll lead you there, just follow me"

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