Chapter 5

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A few hours later

Izuku's pov

After changing into more comfortable clothes we decided to head to the movies to watch Joker. While heading to the movies we ran into the explosive twins who were walking home. I wasn't wearing my mask because it needed to be washed, and my jacket didn't have a hood so I thought I was screwed. I turned my head away from them and tried my best to just pass them. I thought I was in the clear until I heard Katsumi speak,

Katsumi: "Hey Bakugou, that guy with black hair and piercings looked like Midoriya doesn't he"


Bakugo: "Don't be dumb, that damn Deku finally killed himself. He can't be alive because we saw him die"

Katsumi: "I know, but he had his freckles and everything"

She turned around one more time to see what I looked like but when she turned she only saw Albedo and me on her shoulder as a black cat,

Katsumi: "I must have imagined him. Jesus I really do need to talk to my therapist huh"

After Albedo turned the corner I jumped off her shoulder and turned back into myself,

"Thank god for shapeshifting am I right?" I joked,

Albedo: "You might need to start wearing hoodies outside or you'll need to bring one of your masks out every time we go out"

"Yeah I'll keep that in mind. But right now it's time to get to the movies"

We got a giant bucket of popcorn to share alongside pretty much a popcorn bucket of soda and sat through the entire movie trying our best to enjoy our time together. Once it ended we left and Albedo gave my shirt a tug,

Albedo: "Izuku, I'm so confused, I know you're a nerd so can you explain?"

"Alright the joker has a mental problem causing him to laugh for no reason, he's also got Schizophrenia so most of the things in the movie were in his head. He's not part of the Wayne family and his mother abused him"

Albedo: "Ok I think I understand stand a few things now"

"Mhm. Hey Albedo what time is it"

Albedo: "10:25 why"

"Well, we need to get groceries before the store closes. I don't want to eat ramen again for the tenth time this week"

Albedo: "Shit your right, well let's go"

It took about ten minutes before we got to the grocery store and I grabbed Albedo's hand to guide her through the giant store. I'll admit it, I just liked holding her hand. I grabbed a cart which prompted her to jump in and start ordering me around telling me where to go. While we were going around shopping for stuff, some of the older couples were smiling and remembering their youth. Some were even saying 'Young love' or 'Hey honey remember when we were in high school and did that'. Unfortunately, I can't have a normal night since seven people in masks crowded in,

???: "Everybody get on the ground now! If any of you trigger the alarm or call the police we'll kill you!"

We were in the back of the store making out before we heard the noise. Not wanting to deal with the entire sitation, I created a few clones to help,

"Alright split up, I'll take the ones at the front while the three of you check the back and see if anyone needs help"

C1: "Yes sir"

C2: "Alright boss"

C3: "I gotchu you fam"

As they left to do my bidding, I walked to the front buttoning my shirt up,

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