Chapter 3: The party and the kiss

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So, I have come to the conclusion that, as my loyal readers, you are obliged to do as I say(; And I have made a Waterloo Road roleplay group on Tumblr, including plenty of Canon and OC characters for you to apply for, if you applied for a character then I'd seriously love you forever!! And now for the chapter(:

Opening my eyes, all I could see was white walls and people rushing round me. I blinked a little and let the sound of beeping wash over me, “She’s awake” I heard a familiar voice but couldn’t think who it was. “Alright lil scamp, you doing okay?” I smiled when I realised my brother’s voice “Course, you know me, Mr Army man” I said, weakly. I opened my eyes completely and smiled when I saw my brother and dad’s face in front of me. “Is she awake?” I heard a female voice that I didn’t recognise at all, “Ahh, good afternoon Miss Byrne, you probably don’t know me, my names Kelly and I’m the nurse that’s been looking after you the last couple of days” the woman said coming into view, she smiled and walked over to me, unhooking me from the machine. “Now, as soon as you’re ready, Kaitlin, I’ll need to talk to you. Explain to you exactly what happened to you on Tuesday and what we can do to help you, but for now I’ll leave you with your family and best friend?” Kelly said, I sat bolt upright but regretted it as soon as I’d done it as a pain shot to my head but I ignored it and looked at the nurse “Best friend?” I asked looking at my dad then looked over at the door and smiled when Jack walked in. “I thought I heard ya voice, babe, how ya doing?” Jack asked, he walked over and passed a cup to my brother before sitting down next to me. I smiled and leant back on the cushions “So…What happened?” I asked, looking from my brother to my dad to Jack “I’ll let dad explain” Kai said, I looked at my brother before quickly turning to dad again. “You had a breakdown…” Dad said, looking down. “Wha…What do you mean?” I asked, after they explained everything that happened they were made to leave as I needed rest, I smiled as my brother passed me my laptop which he’d gone back home to get. I waved to them all and logged onto my laptop and then onto Facebook. I was about to reply to Scout when I heard a knock at the window next to me, I jumped and nearly dropped my laptop on the floor. Looking across the bed I saw Barry smiling at me, I shook my head and got out the bed and opened the window “What’re you doing here? And couldn’t you come through the door like a normal person?” I asked before getting back into bed and watching Barry jump through the window, close it and sit at the bottom of my bed. “Ahh, well wanted to be different like ma name” Barry said and winked at me “Nah, I knew your dad wouldn’t let me come see ya and Jack would probably rip ma head off so, figured I’d come when everyone else had gone” I couldn’t help but smile, he was not only going against my dad but his mum as well. “Well, I’m glad that you’re here” I said and smiled at him. “And I’m glad I came…So ya gonna tell me who that other guy was? Ya ain’t got some mystery man I don’t know about” Barry said and winked at me, I kicked him and laughed. “No, that’s my brother, Kai, he’s on leave from Iraq” I said “And what would it matter to you if I had a mystery man anyway” I winked at him and he laughed. I looked over at the door when I heard my dad’s voice, “Shit, get under the bed!” I whisper-shouted at him, he jumped down and crawled underneath my bed, I quickly lay back on my cushions and managed to pull my laptop up to me just as my dad walked back inside “Sorry love, forgot my phone” dad said, he picked up his iPhone and kissed my head before walking out again. I smiled and waited for him to go before telling Barry he could come out. That night, Barry slept in my bed, he didn’t want to go home so I let him stay and he went at about 6 in the morning, before he went he told me about a party he was having on Saturday “Course I’ll come ya munter, wouldn’t miss it for the world” I said and quickly kissed his cheek before he jumped out the window and climbed back into bed.

“So, Kaitlin, after running some tests and what not, we have found that you have the early signs of depression. It is understandable after your mother has died and the fact that your brother is fighting in Iraq. Now me and your dad have spoken stuff over and once a week on a Monday you’ll come back to the hospital for counselling starting next Monday” Kelly told me, I just sat there and nodded, my mum had had depression when she was my age and she said that counselling helped her loads so I was hoping it would help me too. When I got home on Thursday evening, Kai stayed over and drove me into school the next morning even though dad had said he didn’t want me to go in, I’d already missed about 3 days of work I didn’t wanna miss any more. “Alright, see ya scamp, have a good day” Kai said and kissed me on the cheek before I jumped out the car. I looked around the playground and smiled when I saw Jack standing with Connor and Kevin, I waved to my brother again before running over to my best friend and jumping on his back “Whoa slow down there princess” Jack said as I wrapped my arms round his neck. “Awww, you alright now, Kaits?” Kevin asked, I smiled and nodded my head. “What we got first, Jacky poop?” I asked as he carried me into the school with Connor and Kevin walking either side. “Drama” He said, I smiled as he put me down…I loved drama and it was even better cause we had it with the PRU class, well the ones in our year so Barry, Scout and Rhiannon. I put my arm into his Jack’s and we walked to our class, I smiled at Barry as we joined the back of the line “Kaitlin! Ya back!” Scout said and she hugged me tight, I smiled and hugged her back. After we spoke for a while the classroom door opened and we all walked inside. Drama went pretty quickly and the whole day of school went quite quickly and before I knew I was at home arguing with my dad…again. “No, you’re not going to any party which involves the Barry’s!” my dad shouted at me “Why not?! Scout’s going, Rhiannon’s going, Connor’s going, Kevin’s going! Loads are going, why can’t I?!” I screamed at him, I couldn’t believe him, he was wasting his breath even if he said no I’d still go to the party, I wasn’t going to miss this party for the world.

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