Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!

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Christmas in Rochdale was never an entertaining affair, me and dad had always just spent Christmas day together then I’d evacuate to my mum’s on Boxing Day for a Christmas with her. This year of course it would be different, with my mother dead and my step sister in America it would just be me and dad and I’d only get one Christmas, Jasmine and Robbie had sent presents down and I’d sent them over to them but it wasn’t the same at all. It was the first Christmas without mum and now Kai. It was the 20th December and I’d been back in Rochdale for about 3 weeks now, we’d broken up on the last day of November and would return to school some time at the beginning on January…I had no idea why we were having a month off but I wasn’t complaining. Since returning to Rochdale I’d been in contact with a lot of my old friends including Finn and Trudi, Josh and Lauren, Scout and Emily, Phoenix and Ronan and Vicki. We’d arranged to go round to Vicki and Ronan’s at tea time on Christmas day and have dinner together.

“Kaitlin get the post!” dad shouted to me from his room at 10 o’clock in the morning on the Saturday, I groaned and pulled myself out of bed I didn’t get why he couldn’t just go for it but I trudged down the stairs and picked up the pile of envelopes which were scattered on the door mat. I flicked through it and picked out the Christmas cards before putting the other mail on the side, I ripped open the first envelope and pulled out the card “There’s one from Lorraine!” I shouted up to my dad before opening the other two cards, one from Sian and the other from Mr Wilding. I quickly put the cards up then took the other letters up to my dad “I’m going round to see Rose today” I told my dad and he nodded to me as he flicked through the envelopes, opening some of them but not the others.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before turning the shower on, I shed my clothes and stepped into the steaming hot water. I ran the shower gel over my body, lathering it up and washing myself before I squeezed the shampoo out and ran it through my hair and washed it before turning the water off and stepping out.

An hour later I was dressed, had done my hair and make-up and was ready to go out and meet Rose, me and her were going out into town while Marley was home and looked after Prince. I’d got into contact with Rose just after I got back and I agreed to go Christmas shopping with her since I did need to get mine. I ran downstairs and quickly made myself some toast before grabbing my bag, shouting bye to my dad and flinging the door open to…”Kyle?” I asked him and he looked up from the floor at the top of the drive, I smiled and shut the door behind me before walking over and hugging him. I hadn’t seen him since he came back to Waterloo Road and I was quick happy to see him really. “I was just going out into town with Rose, babe” I told him, I let go of him and he nodded “Text me when you get back and we’ll meet up yeah” he told me and I nodded before kissing his cheek and walking back up the drive with him, we went the opposite way to each other and I went down the road to Rose’s house.

 “Hey love” Rose said when she opened the door, I smiled and walked through the door, I said hey to Marley and gave Prince a hug before Rose grabbed her bag and we went out to her car. We somehow managed to the traffic and got a parking space quite quickly. It was quite busy in Rochdale but I managed to get all of my Christmas presents including ones for my friends and even some stuff for myself. By the time I finally got home it was about 4 o’clock and I dumped all of my stuff in my room before plonking myself down on the sofa next to dad in the living room “I saw Kyle before I went out, is it okay if he comes round?” I asked and looked at him, he looked at me and smiled before nodding. Hey I’m back now so come round xx I texted Kyle then went upstairs to change.

By the time I’d changed into a jumper and some tracky bottoms, the doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs and flung it open to Kyle’s smiling face “Hiya” I said and hugged him tight before pulling him inside and shutting the door behind him “Hello Kyle!” my dad shouted from the living room, Kyle shouted hey back before we went upstairs to my room. “Pick a movie I’m gonna order a pizza. You want the usual?” I said to him and he nodded, I left him in my room and went downstairs again. Quickly ordering the pizza I ran back up stairs and saw that he had picked to watch The Conjuring “You’re gonna have to protect me against that one” I said to him and he laughed “Why do you have it if it scares you?” he asked and laughed again when I shrugged. He put the DVD in the player and I heard the door slam downstairs when my dad went to get the pizza. 2 hours, 2 empty pizza boxes and a lot of empty alcohol bottles later, the film had finished and me and Kyle were asleep in my bed with his arms around my waist.

When I finally awoke the next morning it was just me lying in the bed, Kyle had gone and I looked at the clock to see it was 11 o’clock already “SHIT!” I screamed and jumped out of bed, I quickly ran into the bathroom and washed myself before throwing on some different tracky bottoms and a jumper, I scraped my hair back into a bun a sprinted down the stairs “Why didn’t you wake me?!” I practically shouted at me dad, he apologised before we jumped into the car and started driving towards the studio in town. I had a slot at 12 until what could be 9 at night, we walked into the building and met my manager, Kris before I bid farewell to my dad and went up to the recording room I would be using.

The album I was doing was a cover album, so basically an album of about 7 covers which were Chocolate by The 1975, Love is on the Radio by McFly, Wild Heart by The Vamps, Hold on Till May by Pierce the Veil, Flaws by Bastille, Billion Lights by JLS and Show Me Love by The Wanted. I slipped the headphones over my head and went into the recording room, sitting on a stool placed inside. As soon as I heard the music in the headphones and I started singing, I felt at home, I’d been waiting for this for months and being here just reminded me how much I loved to sing and perform for people. We took a McDonalds break at half past 5 when we were about half way through the album before starting up again to finish it off. “Now don’t forget you have an album photo shoot on the 2nd up in Glasgow” Kris told me, I nodded and hugged him quick before running out to where my dad was parked.

Christmas eve soon came around and I spent the whole of that day wrapping everyone’s presents, in the evening me and dad had domino’s and watched a film before I helped him put the presents out then went to bed, I had a moderately slow and dull dream about school waking up suddenly in the morning, it was 9 o’clock and I heard my dad banging around in the room next to me. I pulled myself out of bed and ran out the bedroom like an excited child would be on this morning. My dad laughed at me before I ran down the stairs into the living room, dad soon followed but he went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee and me a tea “Hurry up dad!” I shouted to him and as if by magic he walked through the door. I could barely remember Christmas with both my mum and dad but it still felt weird to me, I guess it was because I wasn’t spending Boxing Day with mum. I looked to my dad and he nodded to me almost giving me permission to start unwrapping which I did straight away, it was a pile of all the John Green books, an author I’d recently gotten in to.

We were unwrapping presents for just over an hour, I got an iPad mini off my dad along with lots of smaller things like clothes and CDs and DVDs, I got The 1975 gig tickets, loads of posters and a Wreck the Journal from Jasmine and Warped Tour tickets off Dynasty, Imogen, Kevin, Connor and Rhiannon. All round it was a good Christmas present wise. Once me and dad had tidied the wrapping paper away I went for a shower and got changed ( once I was ready I went downstairs and helped dad to cook the dinner, he wasn’t doing a big dinner since I was having a bigger dinner at Vicki and Ronan’s. Dad had already told me that Sian was coming down to keep him company while I was out, of course I was fine with that so I just tried to make the most of the time I had with him today.

At about 5 o’clock I say good bye to my dad and walked out the house, I walked about 10 minutes to their house and knocked on the door “Kaitlin!” Vicki said when she opened the door, I smiled and hugged her tight before walking in after her. I had a bag of everyone’s presents but I seemed to be the last to arrive as when I walked into the living room they were all sat around on the floor “KAITLIN!” they all shouted and jumped up from the floor, I smiled and let them all hug me before I dispersed there presents and watched them open them, I’d gotten them all chocolate Santa’s but they all seemed to love them and they pigged out on them after dinner while we watched the Christmas specials of things. As we sat down and started watching Doctor Who, I looked around and realised…these were my family, I may not see them much but when I do it’s special and I just never want the day to end.

HEY I'M BACK!!! Sorry it took me like soooooo long to update but school happened and ew BUT I GOT A C IN MY MATHS EXAM AND I NEVER HAVE TO DO MATHS EVER AGAIN YAAAAY!! Hope you all had a fab christmas and new year and I hope you'll still read this story and forgive me for my shittiness:(

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