Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3

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I looked at my clock, it was 12 o’clock at night and I’d heard Maggie go up to bed about 20 minutes before. I pushed the covers away off my dressed up body and grabbed my heels from the floor, quickly checking myself in the mirror I opened my bedroom door a crack and peered out checking nobody was about which they weren’t. I tiptoed across the carpet on the landing, the fuzziness scratching the bottom of my feet before tiptoeing down the stairs and through the hall, slowly opening the front door I slipped out and put my feet in my heels. I quickly but quietly as well ran up the drive of the school house and went along the street as a bus came, I noticed the bus driver stare at me as I got on the bus since it was a Sunday night but I’d agreed to meet him that night so I did, I liked him so I went. It had been 2 weeks since the “fire” and everything with Miss Spark, me and Barry still hadn’t officially gotten back together and I was getting bored of it so I went out on the town using my fake ID. That’s where I met him, in a night club the night I went out, oh he was gorgeous with his scruffy brown hair, his light stubble and his chocolate brown eyes, I couldn’t get enough of him so of course I was going to go back and see him.

When the bus stopped at my stop, I quickly thanked the driver and stepped down off the bus my heels clinking along as my dress ridded up a little. I was wearing a flared out, darkish blue dress with suede heeled blue shoes and a light blue clutch bag and bow necklace ( and I felt good in myself. I walked along the street, pulling out my fake ID as I went, I heard many groups of boys and men wolf whistle which just boosted my confidence as I neared the club I was meeting him in. For once there wasn’t a queue outside the place so I walked straight over, showed them my ID and they let me in straight away. Walking up the steps was like a dream; all along the walls up to the main area were lights and feathers like from a feather bower it was just amazing. I quickly scanned the room when I descended up and eventually saw him, he was sat at the bar sipping a drink, he seemed to make everything look sexy so I walked through the people and over to him.

“Come on, Kaitlin!” I heard someone shout and shake me; I managed to pry my eyelids apart and lay staring at Maggie’s face. She smiled when she saw me open my eyes then stepped away a little “Breakfast in 10” she said then walked out the bedroom, I looked at my clock to see it was half 7 so I grabbed my phone and checked it, smiling when I saw 2 texts off him. Missing you already xxxx read one and another which read Can’t make tonight, we’ll have to reschedule for the weekend xxxxx I wasn’t bothered about him cancelling on me, he had to work so it was fine but last night had been amazing and we pretty much officially got together, sealing the deal back at his place before I got in about half 4, narrowly missing Maggie seeing me. I for the second time that day pushed back my covers and got out bed, I trudged along the carpet and went into the bathroom somehow getting showered in about 5 minutes. Once I was dressed and had done my make-up and hair, it was half 8 so didn’t have time for breakfast. “Someone’s tired” I heard Kevin say behind me as I walked up the drive, I stopped and he soon caught up with me “Went out last night” I said, I looked down at the floor trying to keep my eyes from drooping and me falling asleep, I felt Kevin’s eyes on me but I didn’t look up as we walked in through the gates. Kevin soon ran off to go inside since he was helping with Breakfast Club so I went over to Rhiannon and our other friends and stood with them.

“Are you doing this apprentice thing, Rhiannon?” I asked my red headed friend as we walked through the double doors and into the school building, she looked at me and it seemed as though she’d just noticed the large bags under my eyes but didn’t comment on them “Yeah I am, you?” she asked and I just nodded as we went into our form room, I jumped onto the table and watched as Rhiannon handed something to Kevin then stopped listening since I was pretty much half asleep half awake. I looked up though, when Barry came in, he smiled at me and kissed my cheek once he’d come over. I didn’t object to what he did since I wasn’t making my new relationship so public well not yet anyway, I didn’t want people thinking I’m a slag or anything so I smiled and let him pull me onto his lap but again didn’t listen to their conversation about the apprentice thing, I just wanted to sleep really. I used the mandarin lesson as my sleep time, I sat down next to Barry and lay my head over my bag and eventually did get some sleep until “KAITLIN!” someone shouted and I suddenly felt a cold splash of liquid and I sat up to see Christine smiling at me, holding an empty glass as the whole class burst into laughter. I looked at Christine and gave her a dirty look before grabbing my bag and standing up “Where are you going?” she asked and I just walked past her before looking back again “Well I ain’t gonna walk around soaking wet am I?” I said and she laughed at me before letting me go, I stalked out the classroom and up to where I knew would be a towel. The nurse’s office. “Oh, what happened, Kaitlin?” I was asked as soon as I walked through the door to her office, I sighed and slumped down on the chair as she got me a towel and I explained what had happened in Mandarin class which gave her a laugh.

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