Chapter 13: Running away

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“Hey Jasmine, guess what?!” I said down the phone to my sister, “What?” she asked excitement obvious in her voice, this was the only time I’d gotten the chance to call her since I’d been busy with coursework and revision for exams “I start my treatment next week!” I said, she basically screamed down the phone and I had to hold it away from my ear for a second “Alright calm down” I laughed, we stayed on the phone for about 20 minutes just having a catch up, I’d gotten up extra early just so I could call Jasmine and now 20 minutes later, my dad had gone into work with Christine and Dynasty was knocking on the door. I said good bye to my sister before opening the door, smiling at Dynasty and Imogen “Connor! Imogen’s here!” I shouted up the stairs, Connor came to the top in only his shirt and boxers “Er gross, get some trousers on” I shouted up to him causing Imogen and Dynasty to smirk “I overslept, I’ll walk in on my own” Connor said before disappearing from the landing, I rolled my eyes and walked out the door locking it behind me. “Doesn’t it weird you out that I live with your husband and mum in law?” I asked Imogen, she thought for a moment before replying “A little but I’m used to it now” I laughed a little as we started walking to school. “Are yous two coming to watch me in the chess tournament?” Dynasty asked as we walked alongside the railings of the school, I looked at Imogen then at Dynasty “You’re joking right?” I asked in shock “You can’t be serious. Dynasty Barry playing chess” Imogen said, Dynasty knew we didn’t mean it in a harsh way, we were just shocked that was all, she knew we’d come and watch her and support her either way. “Aw we’re dead proud of ya hun” I said and patted her on the back a little, “At last someone with the brains to take on Kevin Chalk” Imogen said, I looked over and saw Kevin walking over “I’m sorry Mr Budgen’s out cold ‘n’ all but without him coaching me, I’m sloped” Dynasty said, we all stopped when we saw Kevin “You can always drop out of this competition, if you want?” Kevin said, leaning over on the iron railings. “It’s not too late” he added. “Why? Are you scared?” Dynasty asked, looking up at him. “Believe it or not, no. So how long have you been playing chess?” “A few weeks. Long enough to beat you” with that being the last thing said, me, Imogen and Dynasty walked down the street and in through the gates. As we were walking inside the grounds, we heard a horn beep and quickly moved out the way as a car speeded into the car park, I looked carefully and realised it was Barry’s car so started running over, I was a little shocked when another man got out the driver’s seat but Dynasty was quite happy, she screamed and ran into his arms as I went round the other side as Barry opened the passenger seat. He smiled and let me sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms round my waist “Who’s he?” Imogen said, walking over to where me and Barry were sat “Steve-O. Dynasty’s boyfriend” Barry said, I looked at Imogen then at Barry “Oh the one you were talking about the other day?” I asked and Barry just nodded, kissing my neck a little “Boyfriend? She never said” Imogen said, I could tell she was confused but I knew exactly why he hadn’t been around, I didn’t even need anyone to tell me I could just tell. He’s been in prison. “Well he’s been away” Barry said “Uni?” “Her majesties pleasure” Barry said, he wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me up with him as he walked over to Steve-O “Ah so this is the famous Kaitlin then is it? Must say mate, you’ve done well for yaself. I’m Steve-O” Dynasty’s boyfriend said and he held his hand for me to take, I smiled and shook his hand before Barry took my hand and walked me away leaving them alone. I stayed back with Barry as Dynasty and Steve-O talked in the car, the amount of times my phone vibrated in the space of about 5 minutes had been unbelievable but I ignored it every time. After staying away for about 10 minutes, Steve-O started up the car again and parked outside once Dynasty had gone into the building with Mr Clarkson, Barry took my hand and we walked out the gate to the car. Barry leant against it with his arms around me, Steve-O was quite nice, a lot nicer than I expected since he’d been in prison. “I must say, Steve-O you’re a lot nicer than some people I know that’s been in prison” I said, this comment shocked Barry quite a lot as he removed his hands and spun me round “Who do you know that’s been in prison?!” He asked, it was as if he was angry for some reason but I didn’t understand why. “Kyle for starters but you saw he’s out now and my mate Tariq from Rochdale was in prison for a few months, we did come up to Scotland with us, was in a wheelchair but he left before you came and that’s about it” I said, I saw Barry calm down a little after I told him that but then his face changed again “Speaking of Kyle, has he tried to contact you again?” He asked I just stared at him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head; Barry hadn’t been paying much attention as he’d seen Connor walk along the pavement. I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying to my now technically step brother, I leant back against the car watching him. Once Barry had come back over with the money that he had he handed it straight to Steve-O “I thought that were for us? You said we were going into town tonight to look at rings and that?” I said, Barry had promised me that he’d start buying stuff for us to get married soon but as of now it hadn’t happened “Rings?” Steve-O asked, Barry looked at me then took my hand and showed it to Steve-O “Ya engaged? Why didn’t ya say nothing mate? Congrats mate” Steve-O said, I saw Barry smile at the approval of it before he saw another boy who he needed money off “I’ll catch ya later mate” Barry said to Steve-O before running off after Logan “See ya” I said to him, he smiled and waved before doing up the window and driving off. I sighed and shook my head as I walked through the gates and up to the school letting Barry do whatever he was doing. I walked into the school and smiled when I saw Jack; he ran over and hugged me, picking me up. He hadn’t been at school all week with being ill so now was the time he’d seen me since I told him about the treatment. “I’m gonna be there for you, okay? No matter what happens, I’ll be there” He said and put me down, I nodded and hugged him tight again. “OI McAllister!” I head Barry shout and I quickly took my arms away “Not tryna steal my girl are ya?” Barry said, he put his arm round me “N-No” Jack stuttered “Good” Barry said and walked me away from him, it did annoy me quite a lot when Barry tried to stop me from being friends with Jack but I didn’t say anything. We were walking through the corridor together just talking and laughing when my phone buzzed, I pulled it out and saw his number “One sec” I said and walked into an empty classroom, I watched Barry as he saw someone and ran after them as I answered the call “What do you want?!” I shouted weakly down the phone “I ain’t fucking seen you in other a week! I don’t care if ya dad’s there, I’m coming tonight!” he said down the phone, I could feel tears in my eyes but I just blinked them away “Okay” I managed to choke out before hanging up the phone and leaving the classroom, I walked into the toilet and into a cubicle. I slammed the door and slid down the other side before scrambling for my bag and pulling out my blades, I did my normal routine and quickly got up when the bell went, I walked to form and was a little late but Mr Clarkson didn’t say anything as I sat down on my own. I could have sat next to Dynasty or Jack but I wasn’t in the mood, so I dumped my bag on an empty table at the back of the room and hide my face behind it. We hadn’t been in registration for 3 minutes when Mr Clarkson came in and told us all to go to the auditorium, I grabbed my bag and waited till last to walk out, I again sat on my own at the back and didn’t really pay much attention to what was being said. I suddenly looked up when I heard Miss Donnegan start going on about AS level subjects “Now I believe IT is essential and at the heart of every job. I mean History, English, Theatre Studies they’re fine right, but are they going to get you a job?” she said, I looked at her in disbelief “Yes” I just said, loud enough for her to hear it but she chose to ignore me “Shakespeare’s all very well but the only job it’ll get comes with a peaked hat and the words “Would you like fries with that?”” she said, everyone laughed but I just glared at her “Erm Miss Donnegan, are you trying to be disrespectful towards the great writing of William Shakespeare?” I asked, now she couldn’t ignore me since she’d pretty much finished her speech, I saw Mr Clarkson smile at me which gave me a little more confident in what I was saying “No, Kaitlin, that’s not what I’m saying. All I’m saying is that computing will get you a better job in life, being able to use a computer properly is what people look for in an interview” she said, she tried to move on but I wasn’t having any of it “ No offence Miss but I honestly think that’s a load of bullshit. If I was interviewing someone, I’d rather they have good spelling, grammar and English skills; you need good English before computing. You can’t just rely on spell check the whole time. Take History for example Miss, you can’t change the future unless you understand the past, you can’t learn all about History on a computer can you? You have to have ways and means of being able to get stuck in, get involved in all of it and Theatre studies, drama, music and art, it gives people like me who are complete shit at every other subject a chance to express themselves in something that they’re good at, I can express myself through art and drawing and I’d rather do that any day than pick up a shitty computer that you’ve paid for which will just spell check all my mistakes cause that’s not learning, that’s being told what to do” I said, I grabbed my bag and walked out leaving a deadly silence behind me but I could tell from my dad’s as I went past him that he was proud of what I’d said. I didn’t wait for anyone; I just walked away from the hall, up the stairs and into my English classroom. I sat down in my seat and just lay my head on my arms, thinking things through. I was about to come to a conclusion when the door opened, I looked up and saw Mr Clarkson. He smiled at me and came over “Thanks for what you said in there, Kait, it was great” he said before opening the door to let the other students in. We spent the whole lesson reading Macbeth between us all, taking different parts in the story and making it come alive. Once we’d finished English I had Art and then it was break, I didn’t want to speak to anyone, see anyone at all. I was just walking around the school on my own when Dynasty came over “I’m leaving” she suddenly said I hadn’t been paying any attention to what she said and just stared at her “What?” I asked, I was already bored of this conversation before it had even started. “I’m going to Liverpool with Steve-O” she said again, I took it in this time and stared at her again in shock “Are you kidding me? You’re just gonna leave? Just like that?! Leave me? I’m supposed to be your best friend!” I shouted at her, I turned to walk away but she grabbed my wrist and held it up, my sleeve fell down a little “What’re those?!” She exclaimed pointing to the cuts that were now visible, I yanked my hand away and ran off, I ran through the corridors and out the front doors, ignoring every single shout from Dynasty as I ran out the gates and into town. I eventually sat down at a bench and burst into tears, everyone ignored me, of course who would notice a teenage girl crying her eyes out on a bench? I only looked up when someone blocked the sun out; it was him, “What’d you want?” I asked through sobs, I saw him smile before he grabbed my wrists and pulled up from the bench. He dragged me through town trying to make it normal as he could before pushing me into his car that was parked outside Primark; I quickly did up my seat belt as he drove away and to where his house was. I just sat there and sobbed silently.

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