Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye

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It had been a couple of weeks since I’d found out about my brain tumour; I hadn’t been at school at all but today was my first day back. Dad hadn’t come home the night before which I kind of liked since it gave me a sense of responsibility, it also made me feel like dad was trusting me on my own again. After quickly getting dressed and ready after running late, I grabbed my bag and ran out the house, quickly doing my hair up in a bun as I went along the street. I quickly ran into school after realising how late I was I went straight to my dad’s office to see if he was okay. I walked straight into the office and ignored Sonya trying to stop me before I walked into his office “Oh” I said as I saw dad and Miss Mulgrew kissing, “Never mind then” I stammered and walked out again, my cheeks going as red as my hair. As I walked down the stairs I stopped slowly when I saw Barry and his mum, then I saw Kacey…in a “Kacey? Are you wearing a skirt?!” I said and walked down the stairs jumping the last two, I ignored Mrs Barry and went over to Kacey and Dynasty “She looks nice don’t she, Kaits?” Dynasty said, I looked at her but she widened her eyes a little indicating for me to play along “Erm, yeah you erm you look great, Kace…” I stammered a little “You coming to form, Dyn?” I asked turning to my friend, she looked at Mrs Barry then back at me “No, she’ll be coming with me, Barry and Kacey thank you very much. I think you’ve done enough damage to this family” Mrs Barry said before dragging Dynasty away from me, I stepped back a little and watched them walk away, I was surprised to see Barry turn around though, he didn’t smile at me or anything in fact there was literally no emotion on his face at all. I wasn’t going to lie, I missed him like hell but I wasn’t going to admit that, not to anyone. I didn’t even bother going to form, I couldn’t face it, not yet anyway, I couldn’t face all the people giving me sympathy so I went round the school looking for someone. “You’re Zoe right? Kacey’s friend?” I asked the dark brown haired girl, she turned away from her locker and looked at me her lips pursed a little. “Yes” she said, I could tell she was a little scared but I just smiled at her “I want you to help me, when Kace comes out that meeting I want you to help me with getting the old her back, deal?” I asked, Zoe thought for a minute then nodded. It was me who’d seen that the meeting was over, I’d seen Barry walking around the corridor “You go talk to Miss Diamond and I’ll distract Barry, we won’t need to worry about Dyn” I said to Zoe, she nodded and went along the corridor to where she’d seen Miss Diamond walk. I took a deep breath and walked back the way I’d come, this would be the first time I’d spoken to Barry since we broke up and I was dreading it to be honest. “Hey Barry” I said and walked over to him; he looked up and stepped back a little as if I was going to hit him or something. “Hey?” he said with questioning tone, I took another deep breath before smiling at him “So erm I just wanted to say that erm I still-I still wanna be friends with you…After everything with your mum and my dad, I don’t want that to stop us being friends” I said, stammering quite a bit. I looked at Barry and he seemed taken aback as if he didn’t believe a word I was saying. “Erm yeah I mean I never wanted for any of that t happen to be honest…” Barry said, I just nodded but looked up when I saw Zoe go into the toilets “I erm need to go but erm I’ll text you or something…” I said and walked away from him, entering the girl’s toilets. I walked in to see Kacey walking out and going to the sinks “Hey…” I said and walked over to Kacey, she smiled and started washing her hands, and I looked at Zoe then back at Kacey. “What happened Kace?” I asked and walked round to stand next to her. After me and Zoe spoke to Kacey for a couple of minutes, Zoe took Kacey out the toilets to her locker to get some trousers. I smiled as they went before tears started falling from my eyes; I walked into a cubicle and slammed the door sliding down it. I locked it from the floor and pulled my bag open, reaching inside and pulling out a pot that was always in there. Carefully and slowly I opened it up and pulled out the newly sharpened blade. I put the box back into my bag and pulled up my sleeve, there were plasters all over my arm from where I’d cut the night before and tried to stitch it myself, I smiled a little and watched my hand drag across my skin, drawing the blood in a matter of seconds. I watched it spill from my wrist, the scarlet liquid and I watched it fall to the floor, making a sound like rain against a roof top. I smiled at it falling before pulling out the box again; I wiped up my arm and pulled out a needle and thread. I’d taught myself to do it by watching YouTube videos on it and quickly stitched up my arm messily before sticking a plaster over it like nothing happened. This had turned into a daily routine now. Cut. Wipe. Stitch. Plaster. That’s how it had been for one and a half weeks and that’s how it would stay for a very long time. I didn’t even realise I’d been crying until I walked out the cubicle and looked in the mirror, I had panda eyes from my mascara and foundation running, I quickly wiped them and walked out the toilets my arm still stinging quite a lot.

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