Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15

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The week had dragged on quite a lot but it was eventually Friday and as usual I was running late, “Come on Kaitlin” Christine shouted up to me, I sighed and quickly finished my make up before running downstairs, putting my hair up in a messy pony tail as I went. “Alright dickface, aw who’s this? Is it Conney Wonney’s little teddy bear” I said as I walked into the kitchen where Connor and Imogen were stood with Christine who was holding up a small striped teddy bear, he laughed and punched me in the arm “Alright alright you two” Christine said once me and Connor had got each other on the floor, play fighting. We’d become like proper siblings. Christine said we had to leave and I went to put my stuff in my bag and Christine and Imogen eventually walked out to the car “Won’t be a second” I shouted and walked back into the kitchen where Connor was still standing, I went over to the cupboard and grabbed a cookie from a tin. “Gonna miss your cooking” I said with a mouthful of food, he looked at me and laughed before I went over to him and we hugged each other. “Be careful yeah” I said to him and I felt him laugh before he pulled away and kissed my forehead “Love ya” he said and I said it back before walking out the house and into the car.

We eventually drove into the school gates and I jumped out the car and ran off before Christine could even say another word, I went over to where Dynasty was stood and hugged her tight, I hadn’t seen her since Monday when I went out with Hector since I’d been “ill” all week, I’d basically been staying off to help Connor pack but nobody needed to know that. “So how was it on Monday?” she asked, a smirk on her face. She was careful not to mention any names or what I had actually done but I obviously knew what she meant and laughed before telling her “…then we went back to his place and I spent the night there” I told her and she looked at me before bursting into slight giggles “And did you ya know DO anything?” she asked, emphasising the ‘do’ I looked at her and just smiled but she knew it was a yes. She was about to say something when she nudged me and I turned around to see Hector walking down the corridor, I also hadn’t seen him since Monday but he smiled at me as he went past and I glared at Gabriella when she tried to speak to him. “Do you smell that? I think it’s-yeah it is. Desperation” Dynasty said and I burst out laughing as Gabriella made a joke about Dynasty’s accent, I pulled her back before she could go for her saying it was pointless. Imogen eventually came inside and we walked off to form with Imogen sort of crying.

“Don’t you have a uni interview tomorrow?” Dynasty asked me once I’d sat down in front of her and Imogen and spun round “Yeah down in London” I told her and she nodded as Kevin came over and sat beside me “Well we all know you’ll get” Imogen said and smiled at me, I smiled back and turned around when Mr Lowsley came into the room. I sat talking to Kevin for the rest of form before the bell went and I walked out with Dynasty and Imogen going to History for first period, I was again sat in front of Dynasty and Imogen and had my back to the front since Miss McFall was late “Kaitlin can you turn to the front please?” I heard Hector’s voice and spun around, I smiled at him and pulled my stuff out my bag since I hadn’t done so already “Miss McFall is running late so I’ll be taking over for a little while until she returns, can anyone tell me what you’ve been studying?” Hector said as he put his bag on the desk and leant against it. “We’ve been-“ Gabriella started but I interrupted her and told him myself, he smiled at me and I watched as Gabriella glared back at me, I looked at her and smiled like I’d done nothing wrong and we were best of friends. Gabriella said something else but I didn’t hear what “Sir, do you fancy Gabriella?” I heard Dynasty say and I looked back at her as Mr Reid said of course he didn’t “Did you hear that Gabriella? He doesn’t like ya so get a life!” Dynasty shouted at her and I just stared at her in shock, she was upset about something I could tell, she’d never act like this normally. Hector eventually told us to read silently but I pulled my phone out my pocket and went on it behind the book wish I could just come over and kiss you x a text from Hector read, I looked at him before replying that would be fab but don’t x I texted back and watched him put his phone in his bag.

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