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 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑦   act one - confirming her suspicions

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act one - confirming her suspicions



Kennedy Rossi was possibly one of the most talked about and adored person in the Formula one paddock besides the drivers of course. She attended almost every single race that she could have done since being a child, which was a hell of a lot considering who her best friend was.

Charles Leclerc.

Jules Bianchi famous French racing driver and godfather to Charles Leclerc and father figure to Kennedy Rossi due to the absence of hers, was the man behind the friendship that had blossomed almost twenty years ago. Charles was just four years of age and Kenny was just two when they had met, the two toddlers were inseparable right from the moment they were forced to play with each other at Jules's home.

However Kennedy was also known for her striking appearance, the Monegasque was a natural beauty, thick long dark brown curly hair, beautiful hazel eyes with flecks of mossy green and gold running through them and tan smooth skin littered by freckles and beauty marks. Kennedy was envied by most and adored by all, especially Charles's die-hard fans who were convinced that the two were secretly dating. However that was far from the truth as Charles was happy and in a committed relationship with Charlotte, a good friend of Kennedys the two girls had met on a night out in Monaco and got on like a house on fire. As for Kenney she was just happy on her own, it was easier that way for her.

Kennedy was the daughter of Maria Rossi a well known clothes designer and the younger sister of Kaia Rossi, now I know what your thinking, author why do the Rossi siblings have such 'American' names if they're from Monte Carlo? .

The answer is simple Kennedy and Kaia's estranged father James was from America; New York to be specific, the two girls hadn't seen him since they were young the ages of two and eight to be exact. He had fled back to his hometown after there mother had caught him having an affair with a woman he worked with, he still lived in New York with his new family. James had a wife, one daughter and two sons all who Kennedy and Kaia had never met.

Kennedy was teased in school for only having one parent present in her life, it was a difficult time for her, by the time she had reached highschool Kaia had already left meaning she had to fend for herself or so she believed. Charles was always their for her even though he had his own struggles with being bullied, apparently not many kids believed that motorsports was a realistic dream or something that  Charles could achieve.

Now when I say that the pair was inseparable I mean it, Kennedy taught Charles how to speak perfect English and Charles taught Kennedy how to drive a go-cart which was apparently something that was very important to the young boy.

Something that was also important to Charles was always being their for each other no matter what, which is why Kennedy found herself in this certain situation. Charles had come home to the pairs shared apartment one night, in a fowl mood may Kennedy add. He'd slammed the door shut the walls shaking with how much force had been used to close it, of course Kennedy was quick to drop everything she was doing and check that Charles was okay.

Not that she was doing much anyway, just catching up on work.

It was no surprise to her when he explained that he was upset, Kenny could tell just from the way he looked. His green eyes that were always full of life looked drained and almost empty, his nostrils were flared indicating he was angry and the veins in his neck, arms and hands were protruding from how tensed he was.

As soon as she asked if he was okay he had broken down, explaining how Charlotte had ended things between them claiming that he wasn't making enough time for her and that she couldn't do long distance while he was away for races. Kennedy sat for hours comforting him while he vented to her, at some point a bottle of wine had been opened and drunk just as fast leaving both of them tipsy but sober enough to know what they was doing.

Their had always been a spark between Kennedy and Charles, the pair had been each other's first kiss. Kennedy was dating a boy and everyone knew at school that he was 'experienced' when it come to the ladies. However Kennedy was innocent, no one really paid any attention to her in highschool her braces and spot covered face kept most boys at bay that was until Leo had asked her out. Kenny didn't want to seem frigid so she turned to Charles and asked him to teach her how to kiss, of course he agreed wanting nothing more than to help his friend. However that was the furthest the two had gone and nothing had happened again between them until now.

Both Charles and Kenny were sober enough to consent to having sex with each other that night and although none of them would ever admit it to each other or anyone else it was the best sex they had both had. The next morning Kennedy woke up to a cold and empty bed something she wasn't expecting, she had thought he would of stayed until she had woken up so that they could discuss what had happened between them.

It made sense to her though when she made her way into the living room and found Charles and Charlotte cuddled up on their sofa asleep, the boy acting as if he hadn't just slept with the couples shared friend.

That was almost seven weeks ago now and Kennedy was currently sat on the bathroom toilet waiting for the small stick on the side to load and reveal the answer that she had be wanting to know for the past couple of days.

For the past few weeks she'd felt a bit odd, she wasn't feeling her normal self. The smell of certain foods were starting to knock her sick and she had started to crave random foods like anything from McDonalds dunked in a strawberry milkshake or ice-cream on toast. If she hadn't enjoyed eating them so much she would of probably thought that her strange cravings were disgusting but they tasted too good to care.

She'd been putting off this moment for a while now, scared of the truth. Scared of the consequences from one night of stupidness.

Kennedy wasn't stupid she was almost certain what the answer on the small screen was going to be.

She should have taken the test five weeks ago when she had realised she was two weeks late on her period but Kenny give her body the benefit of the doubt and waited. But her period never came and that's why she was now sat in her bathroom scared to death and alone.

The timer on her phone eventually rang out, they were the longest five minutes of her life. With shaky hands she reached forward and picked up the digital test.

"Oh my god" she breathed out. Her eyes beginning to water.



𝐻𝑖 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑝 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡
𝑀𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐸𝑙𝑙 𝑥

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