𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸 (new storyline)

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edited - 28.02.2023

Kennedy sighed as she twirled the test around in her hand, almost believing that if she could move the stick around enough then the word 'not' would appear in front of the very clear pregnant and then all of this would just go away. Then she wouldn't have to make the important decision of continuing with the pregnancy or ending it. She felt terrible about considering aborting the baby- her baby. What kind of mother was she? wanting to end a life she had created, it was selfish of her and she knew that but right now it felt as if she had no other choice.

Could she be the one to possibly cause Charles and Charlotte's relationship to end? could she be the one to end her friendship with Charles of twenty years?.

No matter how many episodes of The Walking Dead she watched to distract herself, all she could think about was the baby and how she was going to tell Charles well that's if she did. The idea of not telling Charles about the baby and aborting it had crossed her mind but Kennedy didn't know if she had the guts to do that. At some point she had fallen asleep on the sofa, pregnancy test in hand, a thick blanket pulled up to her neck shielding her body from the slight cold.

"Hey Kenny, wake up" Charles whispered, gently shaking her in attempt to wake her up, although he wished he didn't have to she looked so comfy and warm all snuggled up on the sofa. He wanted nothing more than to climb in next to her and hold her body close to his like he had done all them weeks ago. He wanted to feel her skin on his again, to remember what the sparks felt like when their lips touched but he was with Charlotte and he couldn't do that to her, not again.

He couldn't deal with even more guilt than he was already dealing with, Charles didn't regret sleeping with Kennedy but he did regret betraying Charlotte although the pair was broken up at the time it still didn't mean he couldn't feel guilty about it. Charlotte was meant to be the girl he loved, the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, marry and have children with and yet he had betrayed her in the worst way possible by sleeping with her friend and his best friend.

Kennedy groaned, swatting his hand away from her body. "Come on lazy girl, its five in the afternoon" He chuckled, ridding his brain from the thoughts. Kennedy's eyes slowly opened, startled by how close their faces were, if one of them even moved an inch their lips would be touching. On instinct her hand clutched the test tighter, slowly moving it to the pocket of her joggers so she could hide it.

She wasn't ready to tell him just yet.

She pulled back, putting some distance between them. "I'm not lazy" She complained, slowly sitting up. She probably looked a mess right now, her hair was left to dry naturally after her shower meaning that her curls were wild and probably looked like a birds nest forming around her head, her mascara was smudged due to how much she'd been crying and lips cracked from how many times she had licked them desperately trying to get moisture to penetrate the broken skin. "Have you been crying?" He asked his eyes dancing around her features, a concerned look on his face.

"Glenn died in the walking dead" She lied, sending him a small smile. She felt awful about lying to him but like Kaia had said earlier she had to do what was best for her and if that meant lying to Charles then so be it. He nodded understandingly, he knew how much she loved that show but what he would never understand was how she managed to cry at the same parts every single time she re-watched it.

"I don't know why you just don't skip the parts that make you sad" He chuckled completely oblivious to the lie she had just told. Kennedy rolled her eyes watching as he moved her blanket so he could sit down beside her, his arm laying against the back of the sofa on instinct. This was the closet they had been since there night of passion, the pair had practically avoided each other at all costs since that night, their random chats at four in the morning had stopped, they avoided sharing the same transport whenever they could and when Charlotte was around they avoided each other completely only talking to each other when the conversation was started by her.

"Because then there would be no point in watching the show at all" She told him as if it was obvious. Charles held his hands up in surrender slightly taken aback by her tone of voice. "It was just a joke Kenny" He explained frowning.

Kennedy sighed, she didn't intend to sound so harsh but there was a lot of emotions brewing inside of her right now and she guessed that the pregnancy hormones weren't helping her situation either. "Sorry, I'm just tired" she explained, running a shaky hand through her dark locks.

"Busy day?" He questioned laying his head back against the cushions of the sofa, enjoying the how the light pressure eased the tension in his neck. He'd had a tough PT session and his neck was definitely sore from how hard Andrea his personal trainer had pushed him. Normally when he got back from a PT session he'd beg Kennedy to give him a massage in attempts to ease the dull ache's but that had also stopped since that night.

just like how many other things had.

"Yeah, you could say something like that" She murmured, her hand reaching to lay flat on her stomach on instinct as if she was trying to shield her baby from all of the hurt it could possibly encounter if she was to go through with her pregnancy. It was only then that she noticed the bloat, her stomach that was once flat and toned now sported a small bump. Of course it was only Kennedy and Kaia that knew it was her baby to anybody else it just looked like she had eaten the best meal of her life.

But it was her baby, that was growing inside of her. This only made Kennedy's decision even more difficult.


what will she do?

also off topic discussion but did anyone else cry more when Shiva died then when anybody else did in The Walking dead? Asking for a friend.....

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