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edited - 01.03.2023

Kennedy felt as if she had spent the last twenty- four hours unpacking her entire life from the cardboard boxes out of the moving van, when in reality it had only been a couple and she still had so many more to unpack.

Sealed boxes dispersed across the floor and on the couch begged to be opened and the contents inside to be placed in their new home. The light patter of rain hitting the large windows soothed her anxiousness as she wandered around the rather large home Charles had picked our for her. Her beige cardigan wrapped tightly around her frame encasing her body heat and keeping out the cold.

She couldn't deny that the home he had picked out for her wasn't absolutely breathtakingly beautiful because it was, but it was also far too big for just Kennedy to reside inn.

Kennedy hated spending excessive amounts of money on things that wasn't needed, her and Charles's apartment was something you wouldn't expect a highly paid athlete to live inn.

It wasn't like their home was run down, it just lacked expensive decor and was instead filled with things that had sentiment and meaning to them both. The only thing in their apartment that was slightly on the expensive side was their piano, which was used and loved dearly by both of them.

Which is why unbeknownst to Kennedy he had ordered the exact same one for her new home, so that she could continue to feel at peace when playing it.
As did Charles, the Monegasque's had lost count of how many hours they had spent sat next to each other, one of them playing and the other singing along to the melody.

Their apartment; well now Charles's apartment. Was a good size and homely, no silly designer rugs or couches that cost more than a car, Kennedy was just happy to have a roof over her head and a place to call home. Of course she appreciated the finer things in life but she didn't thrive off them nor did she need them. Which is why the four bedroom villa Charles had chosen seemed like a waste of money, it wasn't like she needed two of the bedrooms anyway. It seemed like a complete waste and Kennedy could only imagine that this was Charles's way of apologising without actually having to say anything.

"What do you think of your new bedroom peanut?" Kennedy spoke gently, one hand rubbing her small bump and the other holding open the door to what would be the baby's Nursery.

The room was of average size, the walls painted a crisp white with a fluffy beige carpet that felt like heaven on her aching feet. "This is where you will sleep when you're old enough" she continued, making her way further into the room.

"I can't wait to start decorating, mummy's going to make it perfect for you".

Kennedy glanced around the room, her mind filling with endless possibilities on how to decorate the nursery. Her Pinterest board was already bursting with ideas for when the time came.

She was almost certain that if Charles had of decided to be involved in her pregnancy and they found out they where expecting a baby boy then the room would be sporting Ferrari merchandise wherever it could be placed.

Making her way out of the nursery she headed to the room directly across from it.

"This is mummy's room, where you'll be sleeping until your old enough for your big girl bed". Kennedy couldn't help but chuckle, feeling slightly stupid for calling the baby a girl when she didn't even know the gender yet.

"Your Nanna Maria thinks your going to be a boy but Mummy thinks your going to be girl". Kennedy spoke, her mind wondering off as she thought about what Charles might think the gender will be.

"I hope your a girl, then we can wear matching outfits and I can put bows in your hair when it's long enough. I can book you dance lessons if you would like or Karting lessons if your anything like your papa. But whatever you are I hope you're healthy, no matter what I will love you the same my little munchkin".

Her feet acted on their own accord as they made their way over to her bed. "You can come and sleep with me whenever you feel scared or just want a cuddle" Her head hit the soft pillows, her body instantly relaxing against the sheets.

"You'll never be too old for mummy cuddles, even when your all grown up and think it's embarrassing. I'll still give you cuddles and make sure you know that your loved". Her hand rubbed soothing circles across her tummy, goosebumps littering her skin from the contact.

"I promise to keep you safe no matter what peanut, I know that grandad Herve and uncle Jules will keep you safe too. They would have loved to have met you little one". Kennedy could feel the lump forming in her throat as she spoke about the two men in her life that she missed so much.

"I hope your both not disappointed in me" She spoke, directing her words to heaven where they both where; or so she hoped they where. "I know I've made silly choices in the past and this might be one of them but I promise to prove to you both I'm worthy of carrying your grandchild and neice or nephew. I beg you both to make sure that they come out healthy and that nothing happens to them. I've already lost three people I love so much I can't loose another".



And Charles

They where the three people she had lost that she loved dearly and although Charles was still alive it felt as if she had lost him too.

Before she could speak another word the doorbell sounded through the house capturing her attention. Kennedy was quick to climb to her feet and make her way through the house becoming increasingly annoyed at the person who was nonstop ringing the bell.

"One minute I'm coming" she grumbled, walking as fast as her feet could take her. "I said one minute" she snapped her hand grasping the door handle.

She pulled the front door open ready to give whoever was on the other side an earful when she caught sight of the figure in front of her.

His shoulder slumped in defeat and hair soaking wet from the rain, his clothes acting like a second skin. "Charles?" She questioned confused, he was the last person she had expected to turn up at her door.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" She rambled, noticing how sad he looked; his eyes that always looked bright seemed dull and lifeless.

"...C-ca-can I come i-I-in please"


Cliff hanger.....

I wonder what he wants?!? Also sorry for the slow updates I'm on holiday and the WiFi here is shocking :/ I literally wrote four chapters and none of them saved!!!!!.

I'm not really happy with how this chapter turned out but I hope you all like it🤍. Also my poor baby Charles :/ I can't believe what happened this weekend, I am genuinely heartbroken for him😭but he will come back better and stronger for the next race❤️FORZA FERRARI❤️❤️

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