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Hello, my Gumdrops! 🍭

I'm so glad you chose to click on my story!! So thanks :)

In advance, I'd like to mention that this story is a bit of a roller-coaster and not in the way you think. It doesn't mean that it will play with your emotions (though I hope it does). 

It means that you will ask yourself at every turn, "What the hell is going on?"

You'll ask, "Thesourgummyworm, what is happening right now?" and you know what?

I have no idea, lol.

My Antigrafo character was inspired entirely by Ypsese (Another creator's) Kathréftis in their Percy Jackson X (Y/n) series. I highly suggest checking out this amazing writer; their skills and stories speak for themselves. So please, show them some support. (Though I don't know if they are still posting on Wattpad) And once more, the ideas for my Antigrafo character were inspired by their Kathreftis character. Their idea came first, and I only took the time to tweak it into my work.

Anyway, a Promise Meant To Break is designed to come after the Blood Of Olympus book and before the Trials of Apollo books.  

It follows the slow burn of two characters, (Y/n) Hale and Leo Valdez, while on their quest to prevent the world from being "swallowed by pain."

(Also, for those of you who have a challenging time reading (Y/n) as Your Name, I've recently encountered an extension called interractivefics, where you can replace (Y/n) with whatever name you want. It doesn't disrupt the story, and it's actually kind of fun! I have no idea if it will work on all devices or if it will glitch, and every time you get to a new chapter, you have to change the name again, but I thought I'd just put this here in case anyone wanted to try it.)

If not, have fun reading about my (Y/n) character!

I don't own any of the original Percy Jackson characters/ideas; they are the property of Rick Riordan.

Also, I have a tendency to give out "cookies" to people who comment their theories (right or wrong) and stuff, so if you say something and I comment back 🍪, I just wanted to give a little "reward" lol.

Happy Reading!!!

~Thesourgummyworm. 🪱❤️

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