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Week 8, Friday, Afternoon :

The week seemed to go by fast, but you had the best week ever. You had improved your work quite a lot with the help of (mostly.) your teacher, Present Mic.

He had lots to share with you, and even taught you new things.

You had to thank him repeatedly. He once offered to let you voice his podcasting program. You took it impulsively , liking the idea of going on live with one of your favorite teachers.

You had also built up confidence with All Might, despite him being in his little form. You had nice chats with him, you can see why Midoriya chose him as a mentor.

You also learned to be tactical and attentive with Aizawa. You hate to admit it but you did lazy around the floors with him. Like a slumber party but it was just sleeping.

You laughed to yourself.

There was still so much skill to learn. You had time.

Sunday , Morning:

The time came to say goodbye to the last day of relaxation...


You always hated Sundays, the dread of the day coming to an end , coming closer to school days wasn't exactly the cup of tea people want.

You sighed and sat near your window, reminiscing in the sun. It felt like a good day today though. Besides the day ending, what could possibly stop you from having a good day?

You smiled to yourself.

" No work today, might as well go out with someone. "

You got off the window still and as if on cue, you heard knocking on your front door.

' who could that be-?'

You got out of the living room and headed towards the door.

The knocking continued.

" I'm right here-"

You muttered, opening the door for the guest.

" Hello there pretty lady."

You looked up , seeing a smug grin on the male infront of you. Leaning on your door frame.

" Deku-?"

" That's me~ Mind if I come inside?"

You snapped out of your dazed look, nodding quickly. You moved so he could come inside.

' what's he doing here?'

You wondered as you locked the door behind you. Following him towards your kitchen as if he knew the place inside and out. The thought made you shudder.

" May I ask what you're doing here so early?"

" Just wanted to chat."

He sounded almost gleeful. He looked like he couldn't stop smiling. He sat down by the counter. You just nodded acknowledging.

Despite the discomfort you asked him if he wanted anything.

" Just water thanks."

With that you made your way to cabinets and took out two glass cups. Pouring water into both, you made your way back.

" Was there something you wanted to talk about. "

" Matter of fact, yes. "

You passed him his cup , quite interested.

" I have a gift for you."

" What's the special occasion? It's not my birthday dumbo."

You laughed. He just sighed, taking a small box out of his pocket.

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