Chapter 8

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I heard Klaus growl. He had obviously peeked at my phone. I vamp sped out the door.
"Ty?" I asked, the excitement clear in my voice.
"Where have you been baby, I've missed you!" this was only half true. I had missed having someone to talk to about my day when Elena, Bonnie and everyone else was busy. But on the other hand a part of me was glad. He had been acting odd lately and I was tired of entertaining him and his obsession with getting his revenge on Klaus.
"Care-to talk". he said . He must still be in the mountains or something because I couldn't hear him through the static. "Ty I think we're breaking up. I can't hear you." I said annoyed. He leaves for weeks and never calls until he does and I can't ever hear him.
" I love- break - sorry". "Ty I can't hear you!" all of a sudden the line went dead. I rolled my eyes and went back inside. I saw that Elijah had taken my seat and Klaus was now sitting by the fireplace . I sat down close but not too close to him as to encourage anything.
Elijah grabbed the remote and hit play on the movie. we all laughed Georgia back talked her dad. I even saw klaus chuckle a little at this. I couldn't help but sneak glances at him throughout the movie. he seemed relaxed. I loved how his eyes sparkled when he laughed and how the flames flicked in his eyes. All of a sudden we heard a clap of thunder. It was the beginnings of a storm. We would never admit this to anyone except each other but storms had always terrified Elena , Bonnie and I. I saw Bonnie grip onto Kols shoulder And heard Elena squeal. The boys chuckled. I inched closer to Klaus. I could see him smirk at me.
Finally the movie ended. It was too early for a drinking game and no one was drunk enough yet for karaoke. we had the whole night ahead of us. But we would need a new movie first.
"I know!" Matt jumped to his feet with boyish excitement . "I gave reservoir dogs to Bekah last week!"
"Oh yeah, I haven't gotten around to watching it yet!" Bekah exclaimed.
"Oh no!" Elena, Bonnie and I exclaimed.
"I'm not watching a scary movie!' I had watched this film before and had only been ever able to get through half of it without running out in terror.
"Hey, we had to watch your movie , it's only fair that you all watch ours." Stefan said with great glee. Us girls , even Bekah exchanged looks of nervousness and exasperation . Bekah seemed to be turned off the idea of the movie by our reactions.
"It surely can't be that bad. As vampires and a witch , surely you've seen scarier sights than a fictional movie!" Klaus commented with a raised eyebrow. We all looked at him with steely glares. "Have you even seen this movie Klaus?" I asked through gritted teeth. I didn't appreciate being mocked .
"As a matter of fact, Love, I have!" He replied with a smug grin. I had no retort so I just mumbled "Asshole" under my breath, knowing he could hear me. I heard him chuckle. At this stage there was only a few centimetres between us. I pretended to ignore the light headed sensation I got from being so close to him. I could see that his cheeks had tuned slightly pink from the heat of the fire. We had started passing around the snacks as we waited for Matt to come back with the movie. I passed Klaus the chocolate covered popcorn and nearly moaned as he licked the remaining chocolate off his fingers. Seriously! What was wrong with me! I was in a committed relationship with Tyler! I couldn't possibly have feelings for Klaus.... could I? Of course not. Never. It was just pent up lust now that Tyler has been gone so long... right?"
Anyway I didn't have long to consider this as a minute later Matt came bounding back into the room, DVD in hand. " I got it!!" He said, a little to loudly, I giggled at him and his ability to be so boyish and enthusiastic.
He winked at me which made Klaus glare at him. Matt rolled his eyes and smirked at Klaus as he put on the DVD. It started out fine. I have myself a pep talk about sitting through it and that there's no reason for me, a vampire to be scared because it was a movie. But half way through the movie, that's when the real scary stuff started to kick in. I had my knees pulled up to my chest, hugging them when all of a sudden in the middle of a really scary part, we heard a loud clap of thunder and lightning illuminated the room. Elena screamed and cowered beside Damon, Bonnie screamed and hid her face in Kols shoulder and I screamed and leaped into Klaus' lap, gripping onto him as if my life depended on it. His arms automatically slid around my waist. I was shaking like a leaf. Klaus rubbed his hand up and down my back, trying to sooth me. He was smirking slightly at me and the others were laughing at us three, but I couldn't stop shaking or pry myself off of Klaus. Suddenly another bolt of thunder pierced the room. I gripped onto Klaus' shoulders even tighter. His smirk softened into an understanding look. I could hear the sounds of snarling and screaming coming from the Tv. I could hear Elena and Bonnies whimpers too.
"Maybe this was a bad idea after all." Elijah said , of course being kind and turning off the tv and switching the lights on. the girls were recovering still shaking and the boys were at the window looking at the storm. Except for Klaus and I. I was still in shock and shaking.
"It's alright my love, I'm here. nothing will dare hurt you." Klaus murmured in my ear when he knew no one else could hear. He was still rubbing my back. I felt so Salford and relaxed in his arms. I felt content. In my happy, slightly drunk state, I tried to think of any moment when Tyler made me feel like this. I couldn't think of one.

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