39 - Saturday Plans ?! Shuru hogaya Deewanaapan ... 🎶🎵🎶

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Let's Continue...

I'm updating after really a long while !
Honestly, I wasn't excited about writing !
I don't know what is the real reason.. Just that.. it wasn't much excitement to me like it used to be..

Possibly due to
Pathetic & Illogical script of the Ghum show...
Boring Sairat chemistry in scenes...
Hopeless acting of actors...

Last but not Least
Less support from READERS !

Chalo ! Keeping things aside !
I tried to continue the story.

let me remind you that
This story is about
which includes the life of
Sai's Friends
Virat's family !

Special Saturday...


@ Milan, Italy

Rishitha was waiting along with her classmates. Rishi was nowhere seen at the distance. She had already called him for 10 times ! Rishi tested Rishitha's patience !!!!

Rishitha: Pick up the phone  !!! Bloody Rishi !
She was seen Shouting at the phone ...

Friend 1 : Will he come or not ?
Friend 2 : It's getting late.. Rishitha...

Rishitha: Give a second ! Please ! I'll try once more !

Rishitha's mind voice: God damn ! Rishi ...
I swear ! Once you come here smiling as if nothing happened... I'm gonna kill you !

Murmuring her mind voice, she tried to call Rishi !

Rishi appeared out of nowhere...

Rishi: Stop cursing me Rishitha..

He snatched her phone from her hand and stood smiling at her !

Rishi: And more important stop making plans to kill me.. in your head !

Rishi turned to her friends!

Rishi: I'm extremely sorry guys for keeping you waiting ! Thought of packing some sandwiches for all ! And I got terribly delayed... Added to .. complications in the transport to reach till here !

Friends: Ok ! Ok ! We thought you backed out the plan in last minute !

Rishi: No ! No !

Meanwhile Rishitha was trying to get her phone back from Rishi.. And Rishi was dodging to give it !

Rishitha: Bloody hell ! Give me phone back !

Rishi: aahaan !!! Nah nah !
First sweetly give a smile to me !

Rishitha: Shut up Rishi !
You made us to wait for so long !!!
And now asking me to smile !

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