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After the conversation we just had, Corey and I have been watching tv in his room. "So... are you my boyfriend now?" I ask curious. "Do you want me to be?" He answers me with a question. "Yes... yes I do. I love you, silly," I respond. With the knowledge of my permission, Corey leans closer to me and kisses me. I kiss him back, and soon we're making out, panting out of breath.
I wake up in Corey's arms. Oh no, I forgot to text my mom where I'm staying at. And worst of all, we did it. I mean, it was good, but I thought I'd wait a while before going that far. Oh well, can't be undone now.
I get up and wonder what I should do. My clothes are so wrinkly, scattered all over the floor. "What're you doing up so early?" Corey questions as he sits up and hugs me. "My dress is wrinkled. Also, I couldn't just wear this again today, people would label me as the stinky girl," I say complaining. "Just wear one of my hoodies and my sweatpants," he says sleepily.
Grabbing the first hoodie I see, I get dressed and try to wake him up. "We gotta get going," I whisper to him. He slowly gets up and gets dressed while I send my mom a quick text apologizing for being out late without letting her know. It's 6 a.m. now, and we go downstairs to his kitchen. We go out the front door smiling, and he gives me a ride home.
"Dude wtf? I called you like 10 times already, who were you with this time?" Brendan questions him before he notices we both walked in at the same time. "You told her?" He asks Corey. "Yes, he told me. And I'm happy about it," I say and give Corey a quick kiss. "You two were made for each other. Although, you're parents won't be happy about this, Adele," Brendan informs us and we walk to the living room, where we see my mom sitting impatiently.

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