Ch: 11 // Ep: 3

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They drive up to the wreck, bellies rumbling with hunger. 

"Stealing drones makes you hungry," Kiara groans as they hop out the van.

"What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now,"

"It would not be pretty," Pope mutters. Olivia gets out the van and could practically hear her stomach rumble at the smell of the chips that came from inside.

They follow Kiara into the restaurant and she greets her dad with a smile. While Kiara tries to convince her father to give them free food, the others walk away, giving them some space. The four droll over the food on the tables. They see her dad looking at them and John B and Pope wave, while JJ gives him the piece sign. Olivia has to force her eyes away from the food and looks up at the man, giving him a grateful smile.

They see Kiara hug her dad, and they all let out a sigh of relief and walk towards the nearest table. Soon enough, the food comes out and they all tuck in, shoving the food down their gobs. Olivia looks down at the burger infront of her and moans, "Fucking hell, this is good,". Kiara's hand slips infront of her mouth, refraining her from speaking.

"Keep it PG will ya," Kiara gestures towards the kids in the corner of the room. 

Suddenly, Best song ever by One direction comes on and Kie and Liv grin at eachother, getting up from their seats. Olivia grabs the nearest ketchup bottle to use as a mike, and the pair basically scream the lyrics out, dancing with eachother. 

Once the song had finished, Olivia and Kiara were panting, staring in eachothers eyes, smiles going from ear to ear. It was as if noone else was in the room. Olivia wanted nothing more than to stay like this. However, a cough from JJ brought them both back down to earth. They both turn to the three boys who were gaping at them. The pair grab the boys hands forcing them onto the floor as a new jazz song starts playing. JJ groans, "My food," and reaches out towards it dramatically but Olivia pushes his hand away. Finally, the boys start dancing however they were horrible. Pope kept on tripping over and John B and JJ couldn't even stay on beat. The girls laugh at them and Pope trips up again but this time he lands in JJ's arms. The pair look at eachother for a while before JJ pushes Pope off him. Olivia huffs at them, thinking of more ways to get the two together.


Kie and Liv wrap their arms around eachother, swaying to the slow song that was playing. JJ and Pope were in the corner dancing and John B was just sitting down stuffing his face with chips. Liv smiles. She loved the pogues like nothing else in her life and would do anything for them. I mean, they were her family whether they were blood or not. 

Olivia feels Kie bury her head into Liv's neck taking in the vanilla scent of her. Olivia puts her face in Kiara's wavy hair and she smells the peachy shampoo Kie uses. Olivia had been out with many girls however none of them were like Kiara. Kie made her feel something more. Like she was the missing piece of Olivia's broken heart. Like Olivia needed Kiara by her side. And what she didn't know was that Kiara felt the same way. 


Liv laughs at the pairs faces, as John B and Kiara wave at the camera. 

"What's this?" JJ asks, about the push the button but he is stopped by Pope who demands, "Don't touch that! Im trying to work out this thing,"

Pope figures how to move the drone forward and JJ grins, "God bless geeks, truly man,"

"What would we do without you to control the drones?" Liv smiles at him.

"It's not a drone. It's a ROV-"

"Just shut up, it's too early for that right now" Liv rolls her eyes at him and crouches down, looking at Kiara who was swimming towards them.

"Hey, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim," John B states once he reached the surface.

"It's such bullshit. Why do we have to do that?" JJ moans, standing next to Liv.

"Well there is maritime salvage law. You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up," Pope informs them. 

"I know. It's just lawyers aren't that cheap bro," 

"Well as soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp,"

"How do you know all of that?" Kiara asks, laughing a bit.

"Cause my dad said it a million times,"

Olivia helps Kie back onto the dock handing her a towel to dry herself off. 

"So now we just gotta wait around for the right weather," Pope sighs, "And today is not that day."


Olivia walks out of the chateau with a beer in her hand and passes a girl in red shorts and a crop top. She doesn't think too much of it until she looks at the girl again, realising it was her twin. The same twin that abandoned Olivia at her lowest point. She watches Sarah leave with a glare on her face. She then storms over to John B who was looking at the maps on the table. 

"What the fuck was she doing here?" Liv screeches at him, making him look up from the table.

"She was just dropping these off," He shows her the crisps in his hand. She sighs, sitting down next to John B. He pulls her into a hug and reassures, "Don't worry, nothings happening,"

"Pinky promise?" She asks, putting out her pinky out.

"Pinky promise,"


Sorry this is short but THANK YOU FOR 1k!! This is crazyyy

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