Ch: 17 // Ep: 7

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"Oh god, i'm so glad you came back," Kie exclaims, wrapping her arms around the blonde girl. Olivia stumbles back, still weak from the few painful days prior.

"Sorry," The brown haired girl mumbles, separating from he girlfriend but she is pulled back. It was Liv's turn to hug her, burying her face deep into the Kie's curls, with unexpected sobs rising up from her throat. 

"Aw... I didn't think you would come back," Kiara says as she grabs Liv's face in her hands.

"I wouldn't do that to you, not again," She wipes the tears off of her cheeks, "I just needed to take a few days off, you know, see if Sarah and Wheezie were okay."

"But are you okay?"

Olivia hesitates, voice cracking as she replies, "I shouldn't feel like this. I mean, he doesn't deserve my grief, he doesn't deserve any of this," She rambles, "He was a horrible man but... I don't know but it hurt so much that day. I have lived the majority of my life without that man but now that he's gone, I miss him? It makes no sense.

"Oh and Big John... I feel like I am betraying him. He was more than a dad than Ward ever was. Now I'm mourning his killer, I mean who does that?" Kiara's mouth opens like she was going to say something but Liv carries on, "Oh and John B! He hates me right? I'm sure he hates me."

"No, of course not!" Kie exclaims, "He's been so worried about you, we all have. And they all feel so bad about the way they acted when he was getting arrested."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," Kie nods, "We're family, okay? Us pogues gotta stick together."

Olivia looks up, meeting the girl's eye before saying, "I don't think Sarah's going to be with us anymore..."


"She's going to tell John B she wants to break up right now," Liv sighs.

"What?" Kiara repeats, more loudly now.

"I tried to talk her out of it, I promise," Liv looks down, "But she wouldn't listen."

"Shit," Kie whispers.

"I'm gonna go see him," Liv stands up, slowly.

"Okay," Kie grabs her hand.

"I'll be back later," Olivia lands a kiss, jokingly, on her hand and rubs her own forehead.

"Take your time."


John B sits on the edge of the dock, staring off in the distance. Olivia makes her way down, towards him slowly. Sensing her presence, he turns around, whispering, "Sarah?"

"Nope just me," The girl shrugs, leaning on one hip.

"Olivia," He gasps, standing up.

"I'm so sorry." "I'm so sorry." They both say at the same time. With a laugh, they engulf into a hug.

"I'm sorry about Sarah... I tried to talk her out of it but-," Olivia mumbles into his neck.

"Don't worry about me. How are you?" John B asks, changing the subject.


"How are you?" He repeats.

"I'm fine," She shrugs but John B shakes his head.

"Really," He says, pulling her to sit on the edge of the dock.

"I mean, I have no idea," She sighs, "I shouldn't be this sad. He means nothing to me. He was a horrible father but I... I can't help feel like this."

"Well, I know something that'll always cheer you up," John B grins, standing up and holding out his hand.


"Man, look at those waves!" It was 7 now and both John B and Liv stood at the shore, surfboards in hand. Olivia was able to find an old sage green bikini, in John B's drawers.

"Well come on then!" The pair run along the beach into the waves. Hours pass. Hours full of laughter and fun.

"Woah, look at that!" Olivia sits on her board, pointing at the horizon. The sky was bright orange, clouds nowhere to be seen. The sun sits in the middle, a pale yellow colour that shined so bright, that Liv had to shield her eyes.

"It's beautiful," She mutters, eyes stuck to the picture perfect scene as if she was hypnotised. And that's where they sat. They sat there until the sun had disappeared and the colours depart.


"I don't get it," John B mutters, head rested on Liv laps as she plaits his hair. Soon after they had finished surfing, the mood became sorrowful again. On the way, back to the house, they noticed Pope laying on the boat so they decided to join him. "I don't."

"Love is five minutes of pleasure for a lifetime of pain," Pope sighs.

"Wow," John b gasps, slightly.

"Damn," Liv tilts her head and says, "Ok, get up." She pushes John b off her and crosses her legs, "You and JJ. What's going on?"

"Um," He sniffs, "Well... he said he's not ready for a relationship."

"Oh death blow," John B sighs.

"But I just think he's ashamed of us."

"Oh man, I'm so sorry."

"I didn't see it coming," Pope shakes his head, voice cracking slightly.

"Hot potato! Hot potato! Hot potato two!" JJ shouts running down the dock, beers in his hand. He chucks one at the trio but Olivia swerves to avoid the flying can. Pope catches it behind her and John B and Liv immediately jump up to get a beer for themselves.

"Give me one!" She holds at her hands and as JJ throws the can, she walks backwards, following the can with her eyes. But just as she reaches out to grab it, she falls off the side of the boat and into the water. She quickly swims her way up to the top, gasping as the cold water surrounds her body.

"Fuckin' hell," Liv cries, swimming towards the boat. She watches as the pogues howl with laughter and in return, she raises her middle finger at them. With the help of both boys, she is pulled up and onto the boat again. Snatching a beer and hoodie out of John B's hand, she listens to JJ ask, "What are you guys doing down here? Having a good cry?"

"Cry?" Pope scoffs.

"Cry? What are you talking about?" John B says, "We don't cry."

"No because crying will take away all of your 'masculinity' right?" Olivia jokes, opening the beer in her hand.

"You know it's not your fault right?" Kie smiles, looking at John B, sympathetically.

"You think she'll come around?" John B asks.

"Yeah, dude," Kie answers, "She's one of us."

"Hmm," John B turns around, grinning to himself, "Sarah's a pogues. She'll come around. She'll come back to me. You know I was just thinking about it. I'm gonna do a backflip!"

"You're lying," Liv exclaims.

"I won't do it?"

"You wont!"

"You got any money? Hold my beer that they already dropped," He jokes, passing his beer towards the blonde.

"I wanna see you do it," Pope calls out. John B winks at Liv before backflipping off the boat. 

"Woo!" Everyone cheers.

"That's my boy!"

"Woogity-woogity baby!"


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