Ch: 2 // Ep: 1

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"That was so fun," She exclaims, arms full of shopping bags.

"Yeah i haven't laughed that much since..." Liv starts but her voice trails off and face falls.

Noticing the change of mood, Rose awkwardly says, "Well pass me your bags and i'll take them to your rooms," holding out her hands. The two girls place their bags in her arms and Rose waddles towards the door, the bags weighing her down.

"So how'd you do that?" Wheezie asks once Rose was out of ear shot.

"Do what?"

"Punch him like that, it was so cool. You were like," Wheezie punches the air, recreating what Liv did earlier.

"Oh, no one taught you how to punch?" Liv asks, not at all surprised. The only way she was able to fight like that was because of Heyward, who had taught her how to defend herself after the attack from the Kooks when she was young.

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure," Liv leads Wheezie to the back garden and they stand in the lawn.

"Ball your hand like this and make sure your thumb is on the outside of the fist. Then hold them like this," Liv shows her the stance. The pair practice for another 10 minutes before Rafe trudges out the back door.

"What are you two doing?" He asks leaning on the nearest tree.

"Olivia is showing me how to punch," She answers pretending to punch the tree nearest.

"Is she?" Rafe raises an eyebrow, gaze laying on the blonde girl in the corner. Liv fakes a smile and goes to walk off ignoring her brothers calls. There's a grunt from behind making Liv turns around to see Rafe bent over, clutching his stomach. Wheezie stands there with a proud smile and Olivia lets out a chuckle before turning back around.

"Olivia wait!"

Hurrying her pace, she feels an arm grab her.

"Olivia stop," Rafe narrows his eyes in annoyance, "We need to talk."

"No we do not," Olivia tries to pull her arm away but the grip is too tight and strong for her.

"Yes we do," He sneers as he drags her up to his room. As he locks the door, Olivia shouts, "What the f are you doing?"

A few seconds of silence pass between the pair until rafe sighs, "I came hear to..." He pauses, taking a dramatic breath because saying, "Apologise."

Olivia's eyes go wide not expecting that to come out his mouth, "What?"

"I'm sorry."

"Oh ok."

"I said im sorry."

"Ok, well i don't forgive you," She glares up at him, shrugging.

"Olivia I said i'm Sorry," He repeats rubbing his forehead.

"Yeah... and i don't forgive you."

Rafe opens his mouth to speak but Liv talks first, "If you expect me to put this all behind us because of one crappy apology then your crazy."

"God Liv your such a bitch."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night i guess," Liv smiles, sarcastically and snatches the key before walking off.


Walking towards her bedroom, Olivia stops as she hears the familiar shouts outside.

"We know what you did!" The girls shouts vibrate through the house and Olivia drops her glass full of water and runs towards the balcony.

"Murderer!" She sees Pope drag Kie away from the wall and as Liv runs towards the edge of it, Rafe pulls her back, holding her up by the waist.

"Get off me!" She tries to pry his hands off her but he chucks her inside.

"Go to your room," He orders walking away.

"You can tell me what to do," Liv sneers, rolling her eyes.

"Go to your room!" He shouts, striding across the floor towards Liv and grabbing her neck. He stumbles back, not expecting the sudden flow of anger that coursed through him.

"Clean this up." His expression turns back into a frown and he points towards the broken glass on the floor, stalking off towards his bedroom.


A buzzing sound erupts from the side of Liv's head, awaking her from yet another nightmare. Groaning, she viciously presses the button, haunting the siren-like noise. She climbs into a pair of old shorts and a baggy t-shirt and heads towards the door.

The car arrives at the school and Liv looks up to the familiar sight of the 'Kildare county high school' sign. Ward had tried to convince her to move back to Kook academy but Liv had no interest because even though she had no friends in this school, she had enemies in Kook academy. Most of the people there despised her for turning into a pogue. Sending an appreciative smile towards Rose, who sits in the driver seat, she jumps out the car heading towards the school entrance. Whispers and pitying looks flood Liv's view as she walks, head down, through the car park.

Stopping abruptly, she looks down at the memorial for her bestfriend. Her eyes start to well up as she crouches down, picking up the picture of her, JJ and John in the 7th grade winning a science fair project. The whispers surrounding her become louder and Liv turns her head around to see Kiara, JJ and Pope getting out the twinkie. Not being able to handle seeing them, she puts the picture in her bag and heads into the school, looking around for her form room.


Liv walks into her first lesson of the day, Maths, and to say she was dreading it, would be an understatement. She was good at every class except maths. Her brain could never understand or remember what she was meant to do.

Sitting in the back of the room, she pulls out her notebook and begins doodling. The sound of laughs makes Liv's head look up and as soon as she does, she regrets it. Her eyes meet Kiara's and a flutter is felt from in her stomach. Kiara stands their frozen, unable to tear her eyes away, while the feeling of regret forces Liv's eyes to look down. With a sigh, the three friends find seats on the other side of the classroom.


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