Ch: 15 // Ep: 4

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"Don't let it get in your head," JJ sighes, "Three of them and two of us.". It was the next day and Pope felt down from the fight that took place last night. He took the loss quite hard and complained to them the whole morning, while they helped out in his dad's shop.

"Thats typical kook shit, right there," Liv mumbles, leaning on the counter.

"What was your thought using your head?"JJ chuckles.

"I don't know man. I just kinda acted off of instinct," Pope shrugs, putting the food on the shelves, "I was a cornered animal."

"Hey Pope," Heywards walks into the shop, "Someones here to see you." Shoupe walked in behind him and all the pogues stand up straighter.

"Evening officer..." Pope stutters.

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property," He holds up a piece of paper and walks towards Pope. 

Kiara stands infront of the boy but is pushed out the way as Shoupe gets to Pope. Liv quickly pulls Kie behind her protectively. 

The pogues start arguing with him and chaos erupts in the shop.

"Your arresting him!?"

"Be careful!"

"Do you have any fucking proof?!"

"How much did they pay you man?!" They all shout as Shoupe pulls Pope out the shop.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, JJ shouts, "It wasn't him! It was me!". Everyone goes silent and looks at the blonde boy.

"He tried to talk me out of it," JJ continues, walking forwards, "But i was mad because they had just been beaten up." He gestures between Liv and Pope.

"I was so sick of those assholes from figure eight that I lost my shit. I can't let you take the blame for something I did."

"JJ what are you doing?" Pope interupts.

"Im telling the truth," JJ ignores Pope, "For once in my goddamn life im telling the truth. I took his old mans boat too."

"What the hell?"

"JJ come on,"

"Just shut up!" JJ shouts" He's a good kid... and you know where i came from."

Shoupe looks at Pope, "That's the whole truth?"

"Whole truth I swear to god," JJ answers for him.

"I know what you think, damn it, im asking Pope!"

Pope hesitates before saying, "Yeah that's about the whole truth."

Shoupe takes the handcuffs off Pope and places them on JJ. He puts the boy in the back of the car but before he could drive off, Olivia quickly runs up to him.

"Hey shoupe," Olivia holds out her wrist, "I was there too, you might as well arrest me too.". She wasn't going to let her bestfriend go down by himself. 

Shoupe rubs his forehead, obviously annoyed, "Olivia you didn't commit a crime. I can't legally arrest you."

Liv rolls her eyes and raises her hand; She then sends it across his face. She smiles, innocetly, and holds her hands out again.

Reluctantly, he puts the handcuffs on her wrist. She blows a kiss at Kie before sitting in the next to JJ.

"What. The. Fuck?" JJ hisses at her. She just shrugs, sending him a smile.


The officers walk the pair to the waiting cells. He takes off JJ's handcuffs first, pushing him into the cell and then takes off Liv's and orders, "In there princess."

JJ sits on one of the benches with his head in his hands, while Liv sits on the floor, leaning against the wall. As much as she loved JJ, she regretted doing what she just did. Liv knew who would be picking her up from the station and she didn't like the idea of going home with him.

"Why did you do that?" JJ asks, making Liv look up at him. 

"You're my bestfriend JJ," She said truthfully, "I mean I would jump off a cliff for you."

"Ugh don't get soppy," JJ chuckles, making them both laugh.


They were then escorted to the one and only Sheriff Peterkin's office. 

"You're like a little rock in my shoe," She says, walking into the room. 

"I shake my foot, I think I've gotten it out," Peterkin continues, "then dang there it is again." Olivia cringes slightly at the metaphor she uses.

"Maybe watch where you're stepping," JJ leans back cockily.

"That Little rock in the back of my heel makes me want to crush it," Liv lets out a little 'oh'.

"Unlawful discharge of firearm, Trespass on protected habitat, Felony destruction of property. All in the last two weeks. You're on a roll chief," Peterkin lists, looking at JJ.

"Assault against a police officer, Trespass on protected habitat, Thievery and more for you Princess," Olivia rolls her eyes at the well used nickname, "Wouldn't expect it from a kook like you."   

"I'm not a kook," She mumbles.

"If you think we're gonna rat anybody out, you got the wrong idea," JJ confess.

"I know you're little teen brain doesn't like to think ahead," Peterkin sighs, "but I want you to come with me to uncharted territory." JJ and Liv raise their eyebrows confused.

"The future,"

"How you two gonna feel six months from now, sittin in juvenile prison in Wadesbro?" Olivia looks down. She hadn't realised this. I mean, when hanging out with her friends, she felt like she was untouchable, that there were no punishments for what she does. 

"You know these two?" She lays out two pictures infront of them. Olivia quickly recognises the men and looks at JJ who obviously does too. However, they don't say anything.

"My question was, do you know these two?" She repeats.

JJ hesitates before saying, "They broke into John B's house and they chased us through the marsh but other than that i don't know. 

"Here's a more recent photo."

Liv sucks in a breath and looks away, feeling the vomit come up her throat. It was a picture of the two men bloodied up and pale. Their stomach was cut open and you could see the organs inside his body. Olivia pushes away from the table and walks to the corner of the room. She had never really been good with death and blood.

"Somebody gaffed them, then used them for chum," Peterkin says, as if nothing happened, "Whatcha think? Bull shark?"

"Here's the bad news chief, whoever kills these two men is still out there," Peterkin continues, "And i have a reason to believe their next target is a friend of yours... John B." The pair freeze at the name of their bestfriend.

"You kids don't think you're the only ones after the royal merchant now, do you?" She coos at them, "And yeah you know about that too."

"Ok Sheriff peterkin, I promise he's not on it anymore," Liv says, returning to her seat.

"So you say. Im just trying to keep him safe. I want you to tell your friend John B to come in and talk to me." She responds, "and let's see if we can keep you two out of Wadesboro."

Peterkin leaves, slamming the door behind her.

"Shit," Liv mumbles, putting her head in her hands.


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