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The sun shined through the dorm window, causing the bottle of half empty vodka to glisten like a crystal on the window sill. The morning had a good feel to it. A busy summer day, bees buzzing and a warm breeze. The window slightly ajar, birds singing outside so free and happy.

*beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep*

"Damn that fucking alarm!"
A tired Bakugou shifted in his bed struggling to reach over and stop the painful beep that awoke him from his slumber. He lent over to the table turning off the alarm before reaching over to the window sill to grab his drowsy juice. He takes a long sip, leaving a small amount still in the glass bottle, and then slowly brings himself to stand up. 06:02. The alarm clock did him no justice as he wished to curl back up in his duvet and disappear. He found the strength to stand up, wobbling as he walked into his ensuite, holding onto the sink for support. Looking into the mirror a sleep deprived pair of eyes stared back at him, he looked like shit.
"fuck this. fuck this damn school. fuck all the extras. i hate 'em all."
He puts his hand into his cabinet searching for an orange bottle of his daily dose, he shakes the bottle whilst mentally noting to go back to the doctors for more. He takes 2 pills out of the bottle before washing them down with a bottle of beer that was stood by his sink.

I really need to clean this dorm huh. stinks of alcohol in here.
His thoughts where rudely interrupted by a crash coming from the cabinet.
Fuck i slammed the door shut didn't i.
Upon opening the cabinet he discovered a box of his razor blades pouring all over the bathroom floor.
His mood quickly got worse as he slammed his fist into his ugly reflection, his knuckles now on fire and stinging badly.
FUCK OFF THIS SHITTY LIFE! now i'm gonna have to wrap my hand in damn bandages and deal with everyone's questions about "what happened bakubabe!!" "oh my! bakugou are you okay!??" I CANT BE ASSED!
He cursed himself under his breath before stepping into the shower and allowing the boiling hot water to burn his body.
fuck my knuckles sting. i like it.
He quickly finished up trying to clean his caramel scent off his body and wrapped his abdomen with a soft towel. He stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards his bed, pulling out a joint he'd made the previous night. Lighting it with his quirk he allowed his worries to head out the window, along with the heavy smell of marijuana.
i can't be dealing with this. everything's getting progressively worse. i hate everyone's pity, i make everything sound worse. my body is neglected by its own user. and i love it. i'm trapped here, my soul should be free. however it stays enslaved in my ugly bones, fuck i hate what this shit does to me. making me sound sappy 'n shit.
He finished up his cigarette, walking over to his closet to get changed into his uniform. Quickly bandaging his hand and covering the scent of ouid with cologne. He changed fairly quickly and threw his towel onto the floor along with many other dirty clothes. Throwing his blazer onto his desk, along with his tie and bag before leaving for the day. Not like he needs anything other than his phone and wallet anyway.
i run into ANYONE on my way to class and i'll end up in a rehabilitation centre.
Luckily everyone was already in class and he somehow arrived perfectly on time. The bell rang as he sat down at his desk, throwing his head down on the table and closing his eyes...

Aizawa stood over his desk, he slowly lifted his head up ignoring the stares of his classmates.
That's all he said, he only ever spoke if it had reason, some described him as mute. He didn't hold his angry glare in his eyes anymore and never really yelled at any extras who spoke to him.
"who are you to sleep in my class?"
Oh right yeah Aizawa is still here
"oh i'm sorry am i distracting your class by sleeping and being silent."
He smirked.
"don't use that attitude with me young man, and wipe that smile off your face, it doesn't make you look smart. Just bratty."
fuck. looks like i've already made someone disappointed in me today.
"Bakugou you're out of order, you're acting like a brat and you couldn't care less about what happens to you."

"Oh and what makes you think that eraser?"

"Your hand Bakugou. What happened to it, why do you not care that bloods seeping through it. Does it not hurt? Why do you not care about anything anymore."

oh shit my bandages. shit shit shit.
"i just hurt my hand whilst training it's nothing, and who are you to say i don't care anymore!?"

"your grades have dropped, you sleep through classes, you're always injured, you sit out of training classes and don't leave your dorm."

they noticed?
"fuck you erazer."
With that he walked out of the classroom, running back to the dorm building.
that was humiliating.
He kicked his dorm room open and immediately slammed the door behind him. He pulled out his phone, calling a number he only ever rang when he was super stressed.
"hey bakugou katsuki, meet at okowa shops id like a ¥5,000 bag. thanks."
This was the secret to his eye bags, the secret to why he couldn't breathe as well as before, he sprinted to okowa square awaiting the car to arrive. Taking ¥5,000 out of his wallet and putting it into a separate pocket.
fuck, why am i doing this right now?

The car pulled over infront of him.
"hey kats hop in."
He did as commanded, paying the man and taking a small bag of white powder in return.
my last bag. my last bag. i promise never again.
Although that's what he also said last time. He walked to the pharmacist in the square, buying some more antidepressants before returning back to his dorm and setting everything in place. Pills in the cabinet, coke and ouid in a box hidden under his mattress, finished the alcohol bottles that where laying around his room before checking how many where in his mini fridge. He had enough to last him max 2 more days. He picked up his clothes and towels from the floor before walking down the hallway and throwing them into a washer. He returned to his dorm and finished cleaning, putting everything into place and then hoovering his carpets. Next he scrubbed the bathroom, eliminating the smell of alcohol. Finally he relaxed and fell into a small slumber.

He lay quietly, the golden sun shining through the window once again initiating it was about to get dark. The moon lay pale in the sky however it wasn't dark enough for it to illuminate the land below it just yet. All of a sudden someone barged into bakugous dorm, causing him to jump in alert.
Aizawa stood at the door concerned.
"why'd you leave"

"was sick of getting shouted at, i see no problem."

"that's the problem bakugou, you see nothing wrong with your actions."

"old man can you leave me alone please!?"

"ok bakugou. but i'll see you tomorrow. right?"

"yeah yeah sure"
And with that the door closed. He wanted no more interruptions and decided not to sleep. He knew he had cleaned his room at the perfect time. Boredom took over and so he opened the doors to the balcony, sitting outside he felt a familiar hunger. It was bearable so he ignored it. Watching the sunset under the horizon was calming, once again he was interrupted. The patio doors slowly opened, a wide smiled shark boy sitting next to him on the balcony.
"nice night isn't it katsuki"
huh, my first name? he has no permission for that..?
"Why're you using my first name shitty hair"

"Oh i'm sorry is bakubro better?" kiri replied with a smirk.
"No no, it's fine. keep katsuki. Anything's better than your shitty nicknames."


"yeah yeah sorry Ei."

"Hmm that's nice of you, it's better than shitty hair!"
that stupid smile, he's always so radiant. Just like the sun. However he never sets.
"so kat, why's your room smell like tuna? i noticed it when i walked past your bed"
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! WHAT! oh fuck oh fuck.
"Um i had a tuna and sweetcorn sushi earlier when everyone was still at class"

"oh! could've saved me some."


"it's fine, as long as we get our bro hanging time!"
oblivious. so oblivious of my lies, when have i ever eaten sushi?
"yeah but i do enjoy time by myself you know Ei"

"oh right sorry"
With that kiri stood up and left. Cute bonding session then. But bakugou wasn't in the best mood, and kiri knew that wasn't sushi.

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