[kiri knows]

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Kiris thoughts//
tuna sushi. tuna damn sushi? that wasn't a fishy tuna smell. it smelt like my dads friends. That was ouid wasn't it. fuck.

Kiri paced through the hallways until he finally reached his dorm. Crimson riot posters pasted on every wall, a well organised room with a well organised boy living there. Kiri was mad about how bakugou could lie to him like that. But Bakugou wasn't satisfied either.

Back in bakugous room he had bandages spread all around his bathroom, he'd changed them multiple times and the bleeding wouldn't stop. He must've cut a vein. He hoped he would bleed out and die. His head screamed at him. What could he do? How could he stop his thoughts. He wanted silence. He wanted it all to stop. He doesn't care about kiri. He doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't. But somewhere deep down he did. He'd saw the way his smile faded when he mentioned the smell, when bakugou told him to leave. He's hurting him.

FUCK!!! i have no courage. i have no courage to face him, to apologise. what do i do? how do i fix this. FUCK THIS IS SO CONFUSING? WHY DO I FEEL THE NEED TO APOLOGISE. why do i care..

Bakugous body was shaking, he couldn't breathe. Chocked sobs escaped his throat. He didn't know what was happening. He was panicking. He didn't know why he no longer cared, why he cared about this boy and his feelings. He ran to his mini fridge grabbing a bottle of vodka and drinking half of it straight. He felt nothing but rage. He finished off the bottle and threw it against the wall. Glass shattered everywhere. Now he went for his shelves, his cabinets and wardrobe. Throwing everything around the room. Eventually he broke down on the floor, sobbing quietly, his hand still bleeding and his arms in pain due to how he was using them earlier. He stopped. He felt numb, he was drunk. He wobbled over the the wardrobe picking clean clothes off the floor and hanging them back up, changing out of his uniform into sweatpants and a tank top. He fixed his shelves again, leaving his dorm somewhat messy somewhat clean he decided to give up due to dizziness and dived onto his bed, unaware he began texting kiri and asking him to come over.

A moment later knocks could be heard on bakugous door.
"come in Ei"
a drunken bakugou responded.
Kiri walked in, the smell of alcohol hung heavy in the room and the glass was still shattered on the floor.
"kat? what's going on?"


"why're you laughing? are you okay?"

"kiri come sleep with me i'm coldddd"
His words where slurred and soft, kirishima was so confused about what was happening.
"katsuki what's going on, are you drunk? that's not very manly"

"ohhh i'm so drunk, i was sad because i felt guilty for lying to you about eating tuna when in reality it was just my ouid! sorry about that man hahahahaha"

what the actual fuck? he's drunk, he smokes ouid? he lied to me?
"kat why did you drink so much?"

"i felt anger coming through my bones and i didn't know why i cared about you"
He cares about me?

"katsuki can you go to sleep please?"
kiri shifted his placement from the door to sitting next to bakugous bed.

"i can't sleep without you with me. give me cuddles kiri! i love you so much man"
okay he's definitely unaware of what he's saying.

"bakugou you're drunk, i can't take your word for it"

"you have my first name privilege. use it."
that didn't sound very drunk of him? should i cuddle him? he needs to sleep.
"will you sleep if i cuddle you. but you need to promise me that you won't blow me up in the morning okay?"

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