Chapter Six

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I watched the puppy and couldn't help but smile. He was so adorable as he tried to figure out his new world. I took his hand and took him to the living room. I needed to teach him my name for sure as well as some things people would expect him to know.

"Alright, Asher so the first word we're going to go over is my name." I smiled grabbing a notebook so I could show him how to spell it and how to speak it. "So my name is Milo," I said looking at him wondering if he would get it on the first go but I didn't get my hopes up. 

After he didn't say anything but just look at me with those big green eyes I knew I needed to keep going. "Let's take it a little slower. Can you say 'M'?" I asked writing down the letter to show him what it looked like.

"Uh...Mmm?" he drew it out a little but it was okay.

"Good job!" I praised which caused him to blush softly it seemed like he didn't get a lot of praise in his life. "Let's go on to the next letter, I can you say the letter 'I'?" I said with a smile writing the letter down.

He was silent for a moment as if he was pondering over how to say the word. "...I?" he said in a quiet voice unsure if he said it correctly. He had a very thick accent so at first it was a little harder to hear him but was able to figure it out.

"Good job buddy." I needed to find a way to reward him. "I'll be right back stay right here okay?" I waited for him to nod before I stood and went to the cabinet grabbing some bacon treats and went back.

"M-mmmm... I-I?" I heard Asher trying to read and speak on his own which was adorable and I was so proud of him.

"Hey, sweetie," I said rubbing his head. He looked up at me blushing. "I got you some treats," I said sitting beside him and handing him one.

He sniffed it a little before taking a bite. I watched his face. He was trying to figure out if he liked it or not. He took another bite before shoving the whole thing in his mouth, causing me to chuckle. "Wanna try the next letter?" I said picking up the pad again. He let out a happy whine which told me to continue. 

"Our next letter is, 'L'," I said showing him the letter again. He stared at it unblinkingly for a moment. 

"L?" he said in a surprisingly clear voice. 

I smiled widely and handed him a treat which he took happily. "You said that so clearly I'm so proud of you!" I watched as his cheeks heated up at the praise.

"Th-thank you..." he whispered looking away his ears lowering slightly.

"Alright last letter. 'O'." He looked at it and his eyes seemed to light up like he knew it already.

"O!" he said smiling like a child.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair gently handing him another treat. "Alright, let's put it together. M*il*o. Try to say it like that." I said showing him the writing as I gently grabbed his hand so he could follow along.

"M-M..ilo?" he said in a stuttered tone but he still said it.

I smiled widely at him. "I am so proud of you Asher you did such a good job," I said rubbing his cheek gently. I watched as he leaned into my touch.


I loved the praise. I loved the attention. I loved everything the ma-...Milo did. He was so much nicer...and loving than almost everyone in the pack, everyone but my mother.

We went through more words I ended up learning how to say. Hello. Please. Yes. No. Stop. Drop it. Sit. And Stay. He told me what each word meant and how some he would use on me and how I didn't say them to others. He also told me what to say to others so I didn't get confused.

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