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Louis didn't want to leave that night, though he did anyway, practically being forced to go home by both his mother and Jay, whom both told him he needed sleep. That didn't mean he drove all the way back to his and Harry's apartment. No, he just stayed at his mums house instead, as it was only about twenty minutes away from the hospital.

As a week went by, many people had been informed about the crash. All of the boys on Louis' football team had heard about it and had supported him. Yes, Louis did go back to school, he couldn't miss too many days as much as he wanted to.

Though what hit a nerve was the day after the crash, when the boy was on the couch with Lottie, watching the news when they started talking about the accident. Louis had wide eyes full of tears watching his angels car flip various times, and was silently crying with his sisters arms around him when he saw the paramedics pull the limp boy out of the car.

"Louis, you coming?" Niall asked, holding his bag on his back. Louis looked up from his awaiting phone, sliding it into his pocket as he walked towards the blonde boy, exiting the locker room with him and into the fresh crisp air.

"Actually, I'm gonna stop by my apartment and then I'll meet you there," he told his friend, quickly jogging through the parking lot and into his car, where he quickly stuck the keys into the ignition and took off.

As if on a mission, Louis raced through the apartment and into his and Harry's room. His eyes locked on Harry's dresser, and went over to it, carefully looking through the items on the top until he spotted the silver band. He picked it up, running his finger along the inside, feeling the engraved words on the inside. He remembered Harry taking the band off before getting into the shower the morning of the accident, as he didn't want the water to ruin it, even though it wouldn't have. Louis didn't care though, he loved the boys admiration of the ring.

Louis nuzzled his face into Harry's neck, pressing a light kiss to the showing skin. "They're so embarrassing," he groaned, obviously embarrassed by the way both of their parents took too many pictures of them since it was Harry's 18th birthday and they recently were on top of each other along with Daisy and Phoebe, all four engaging in a tickle fight until it was just Harry on Louis. The embarrassing part was that both of their mums took a picture of them when Harry stopped tickling him and he was just leaning over the older boy as he sat on his hips, both of them mumbling things to each other and sharing small kisses.

Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist, "Especially my mum," he chuckled, smiling when Louis brought his head up and kissed him softly.

They were interrupted by one of the twins, "Uh, Lou, I think this fell out of your pocket or something," she told him, placing the silver band into his hand, which he instantly hid from Harry. It didn't go unnoticed.

"What was that?" he questioned curiously.

Louis sighed, not wanting to hide anything from his boyfriend. "Your present," he muttered.

"No!" the younger boy protested, "I thought we weren't doing presents!" he said, though couldn't help but grin.

"Oh, shush, you got me a birthday gift. You should be expecting a gift from me," Louis shot back playfully before standing up and pulling Harry with him. "C'mon!" he led the boy into the hallway where people couldn't sneak in on their conversation. "It was in a box but I guess it fell out. I honestly have no idea how it came out of my pocket," he started, "I just... We've been through so much and you know that I absolutely adore and love you so much and wouldn't be able to live without you. So I wanted to get you this," he explained, and then pulled the ring out, showing Harry, who gasped.

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