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And I'd marry you, Harry

Hehehehehee wut no nothings going on hehe no stop bye


"You're gonna do amazing!" Harry grinned, using his good arm to pull the older man to him in a hug. Louis hugged him back tightly, but not enough to hurt him.

"Thank you," he beamed at the younger boy, kissing his cheek before pulling away, but keeping his arm around Harry's waist.

"Tommo, c'mon. We're walking out in five," his coach interrupted, nodding his head towards the door. Louis smiled wider, and took Harry's hand to lead him to where the Donny team was and the other five players from his team that got picked. Harry gave him one last kiss on the lips, telling him he loves him before slipping out of the locker room and to his spot in the stands.

"I'm so nervous," Louis spoke, shaking his hands out.

One of his team mates, Calum, patted his shoulder, "So am I. But it's fine. We'll do fine. We got chosen for a reason, right?" the dark haired boy smiled. Louis nodded, and a wide smile broke into his face.

"Yeah! We did!" he grinned, and rubbed his hands together when the announcer started calling out the players. He was the last in line, and had to wait a couple minutes, but when his name was called he was bounding out into the field with the rest.

"Last but not least, our last guest player from Manchester University! Number twenty eight! Louis Tomlinson!"

The crowd continued roaring when he ran out, taking a look around him in awe as he took a spot in line with the team. The stadium was huge. Or at least it seemed so, compared to the schools stadium. He could hear everyone shouting and screaming and cheering them on. The smell of clean cut grass and food from the stands filling his nose. He could see his family as well as Harry and his family in the stands, holding stupidly cute signs for him that made him blush and shake his head with a smile.

Louis blew a kiss to Harry, who pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. "My dork," Louis mumbled, and joined hands with the people at his sides. They all raised their arms, and let them fall before breaking off and doing some drills.

"I'm so nervous! I'm not even playing, but I feel so nervous!" Harry said, leaning to Gemma's side as he watched his boyfriend.

"I'm nervous for you Harry," she laughed, "you've got a cast, stitches, and broken ribs, yet you come to a footie game, you dolt," she shook her head, ruffling his hair gently since there was still cuts from the glass that was once in his skull.

"Lou's always wanted to play here with the Rovers. It's his dream. I wouldn't miss it for the world, and you know it," he pointed out.

Gemma nodded, but another thought ran through her head. "He's got other dreams too. Especially for tonight," she mumbled under her breath, a smalls smirk on her lips. Harry didn't hear it though.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"They won!" Harry exclaimed, jumping up and down with the crowd. "Louis shot that! He shot that winning goal!" he shouted, turning to Gemma with the biggest grin ever.

"They did it!" she laughed, swinging her arm around Harry's shoulder.

They had to wait until the team came back out from the locker room. But after about twenty minutes the team exited, and Louis ran straight up to where Harry and their families were.

"You did amazing! I told you you would!" Harry praised, taking his boyfriend into a hug. Louis smiled with his head in the crook of Harry's neck, sighing in content of the vanilla smell of the younger boy.

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