Chapter 31

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" I am so ready to leave this hospital" Keith said throwing the remote down in a irritated voice. He sat back in his hospital bed frustrated from watching tv all day.

"I know Keith but you have to stay here as long as the doctors say" Casey respond scrolling through her phone. Sitting in the chair next to Keith's hospital bed.

Keith rolled his eyes and exhaled really loud.

Casey put her phone down then sat on the bed bedside Keith and said "Keith you was in a major accident 3 weeks ago, your heart stopped, you broke your arm and leg also you was in a induced coma for a week. You need to stay here as long as you need to." She grabbed his hand smiled. "Because I was worried sick about you"

"I know Casey and I'm sorry I scared you like that.And I know I need to stay here to get better but I'm just tired of being in this hospital. I rather be cuddled up with you in the bed right now"Keith responded pulling Casey close but she pulled back.

"I'll go get you some ice and snack Keith" she said getting up and leaving

Keith wondered why Casey was so distant from him. He thought her showing up to the hospital, taking care of him, washing him up and taking of his every need meant they were back together. He knew he did some messed up things in the past but he knew she loved him still right?

As Keith thought over Casey actions. Casey walked through the hospital hallways trying to forget about how she let the man go who was perfect for her. Diggy. She knew dropping everything and coming to take of Keith after all he did was stupid but it felt right. She felt as if she knew she was supposed to be there for Keith why tho? Why comfort a man who caused so much discomfort in her life? Because love. Sadly. She loved Keith no doubt about it but she saw much of a clearer future with Diggy. He could be a husband, father and then some.
She stood by a window watching the sun and thinking why? Not only why
But how? did she get herself mixed up in all this. She shook the thoughts off and went to get Keith stuff.

20 minutes later

"What took you so long Casey?" Keith spoke

"Uhh something happened with the elevators sorry" Casey responded handing him his drink and snacks.

"Oh thanks"

"Yeah no problem Keith"

"Why have you been so distant Casey?" Keith questioned

"Keith what are you talking about I'm sitting right here next to you and I been here everyday" she responded

"Yeah but whenever I try to get close to you. You pull away and go away for awhile and come back nothing happened"he said

"Keith I don't know what you talking about and can we not talk about this right now" she responded fixing up stuff around his room

Keith stared at her

"Now what do you want for dinner?" She asked

" Casey don't-" before Keith could finish someone knocked on the door

"Come in" Casey yelled out

Keith side eyed Casey knowing she did that on purpose.

" Good evening Mr&Mrs.Powers" the doctor said entering the room

"Hey Dr.Stevens how are you?" Casey said

" Good thank you for asking. I came with good news for you Mr.Powers" he said smiling

"I hope you came to tell me I can leave this place" Keith said

" Yes I know you been wanting to leave so you have been cleared to leave tomorrow morning. All your test came back good you can go tomorrow morning. You'll just have to do physical therapy and you can opt to do it from home" the doctor replied

Until the End of time | Keith Powers|Where stories live. Discover now