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"Get up." 

Kaeya splashed some water on your face to wake you up. You shot up, breathing heavily from the shock, "What the hell, Kaeya?" 

He walked over to a stone and picked up your resting coat. "I thought you wouldn't want to sleep in since you're in such a rush." 

You wiped the water droplets off your face and yanked the coat out of his hands. "You didn't have to wake me up like that." You mumbled as you put the coat over you. 

Kaeya stomped out the fire and walked out of the cave, stretching his arms in the sky. "Welp, the blizzard is over with and we aren't trapped in here. I say it's a beautiful morning." 

You walked past him, "Would have been great if I didn't wake up with a heart attack." 

You felt him smile as he jogged up next to you, "So dramatic." As if he was getting a kick from your aggravation. 

And so the two of you continued on the path you set. The cold was bothering you, but you did your best to ignore the feeling. You had covering after all. 

Crossing your arms for extra warmth, you glanced over at Kaeya who had nothing but the clothes he wore everyday. "Are you going to be ok-" Before you could finish your sentence, Kaeya began to slow down, walking in rigid motions. You stopped walking, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. "Kaeya?..." 

"H-help. F-reezing.." He whispered. 

You heart dropped and you ran over to him, taking off your coat as fast as you could and wrapping it around him. You held him close to try and warm him up faster. "Okay okay it's ok. Don't freeze." Your voice shook a little. Half from the cold air and half from fear. Sure he was annoying, but you didn't want him to die. 

As you hugged him, you felt his chest move up and down in a laughing manner. And you realized, he was laughing. "Y/n, do you not know how this works? I'm not going to die this soon because of the cold. I was just playin." 

Your face grew hot from anger and you yanked the coat off of him. "Asshole! I thought you might die!" 

Kaeya grabbed a hold of the coat you had in your hands and pulled you close to him. "I didn't say I wasn't cold." 


He held you close, feeling the warmth from his body. 

You began to panic and pushed away. "You're fine. I'm sure we are almost at the tavern anyways." Putting the coat on fully and ignoring what Kaeya's facial expression may be, you continued on. Kaeya following beside you. 


Albedo's POV: 

"What..?" My ears rang. This couldn't be. This can't be the answer. "You're wrong." I said to them. 

The cloaked person shook their head. "It's the only way. It's not that complicated. Why do you think Durin never killed the host? Because then he would return to the sword. He would return to his cursed object." 

I tried to focus on what they were saying, but I felt as though my head couldn't stay still. I don't want it this way. "Please..." I whispered. "I can't loose her." 

"The host?" 

I nodded my head. 

"So the host is a girl.. interesting." They pondered for a moment. "Correct me if i'm wrong, but you love this woman? You share a connection with her?" 

I nodded my head again. 

"Well... you could always attempt to make a deal with the dragon." They tapped their fingers on the counter. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. Anything seemed like a better option than to make Y/n die. 

"You could talk to Durin, ask him to possess you instead. Then-" 

I interrupted them, "If he wanted to do that, couldn't he have done it then? I didn't know that-" 

"No no. Durin can possess a host when they hold the sword correct? And the only way to get rid of him to stab the host with the sword- "

My stomach dropped again from hearing that. "Yes, you already said that, where are you going with this?" 

"Well, that is the only way to get rid of him completely and return him to his cursed object. To change the host though... that is possible."

I get it.. "So you're saying I become the host!" 

They nodded their head, "Yes. To do so, the two of you must be holding the sword at the same time. Then it counts as a deal binder and Durin will possess you." He paused, "Then, do what you desire after that." 

There was no question. I knew what I would do. I would get rid of him. Return him to the sword. I would have to die. 

The person must have noticed my conflict, and rested their hand on my shoulder, "You have some guts kid. For a creation, you act and love like a human." I ignored him. "I will say though, if you are worried about your girl. After she is relieved of being possessed, she-"

"Will she be okay?" 


That's all I need to know. I'll leave tomorrow. To go back and fix my mistakes. "Oh," I caught the person as they stood up, "How do you know all of this?" 

"I've encountered something like this before. That's what I get for being interested in the dark arts." And they walked out. 

They aren't wrong though. None of this would have happened if I hadn't let my obsession get in the way. I'll make it up to you, Y/n. I promise. 


Your POV: 

"Kaeya look!" You shouted back at him as you hopped around a little from excitement. "Do you see that?" You pointed to the horizon of a small snowy hill. 

Kaeya smiled and looked at where you were pointing. 

"We made it!" You yelled as you slid down the hill and grinned at the building with the tavern sign. 

Kaeya stood next to you, staring at it as well. "Let's go find your Alchemist." 

And you began to walk over. 

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