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The snow was no longer white. It was soaking in the hot blood. You stared, horrified as you watched Albedo land on the ground, Durin toppling over him, then turning to nothing but dust. 

Albedo was staring at the sky, still slightly conscious. "Please." you whispered, choking on your tears as you fell to Albedo's side. You reached out your hand to his face, shaking as you hovered over him. 

Albedo kept looking at the night sky, his eyes reflected the stars. 

You whimpered as you looked around trying to think of something. There was no one or nothing in sight. "Please!" Your voice cracked as your shivering hands gently held Albedo's head. You rested his head on your lap, waiting to see if he would look at you. 

He slowly raised his hand to your face, wiping one of your tears off your face. You knew he was trying to tell you not to cry. But in his condition, it was the best he could do. "I'm so sorry." You sobbed, tasting the tears as you cried. "Don't go-" 

And before you could finish, Albedo slowly closed his eyes, loosing the motion in his body. 

"Albedo?" You asked, softly.



But there was no response. You took a sharp but deep breath, before letting out your cries, bending down to touch your head against his. "You're so cold." you sniffled as you took his coat off of yourself and throw it over his bleeding body. Your whimpers grew stronger as you noticed his coat soak and grow red in his blood. "There- all better now." 

You waited. Not sure for what. There was no possible way that he would respond. That he would thank you, or hold you. Ever again. You stared up at the night sky, the cold wind died down as you sat there. Your tears were hot, and trickled silently down your face. 


Albedo's POV: 

She was that last thing I saw. I didn't want to leave her. I wanted a future with her. I don't care what Durin said about me. Y/N has said it enough times. That I am human. 

'Every thing you do, everything you feel is human.' 

That's what she would say to me. My beautiful, beautiful Y/N. 

How I will miss you. 

I love you. So much. More than you will ever know. I had too short of time to show you how much I love you, but then again; there wouldn't be enough time in the world for me to do that. 


The after life is darker than I'd thought it would be. It was as though I was in my conscious. 

I walked around, aimlessly. I don't know where I am. 

"Albedo!" I hear someone call me. "Albedo!" once more. 

I glance around me, but there is nothing but darkness. "Y/N?" 

No, it can't be. she's safe. She is alive. 

"Albedo!" She cries again. 

No, that's her voice. 

I begin to run, don't know where to, but I ran anyways. Hoping that I will reach wherever the voice is coming from. "Y/N!" I scream, "Where are you!" 

But there was no response.

I stopped, panting. It's probably just my mind. Is this what the after life is? Or is it just like this for me? A creation.

I looked up, noticing a small golden light shining above me. 

And that's when I felt something fall onto my face. A water droplet? 

And then another one. 

No, they're tears. 

I squinted my eyes, trying to see what was going on. Then that's when I saw her. Y/N. Or at least the image of Y/N. 

She came falling down to me, reaching her hand out, wanting me to grab it. 

Confused, I reached for her as well. The light behind her grew brighter and brighter. Until I held her completely in my grasp. Everything turned white. 


Your POV: 

You gazed back down at him, feeling numb all over. Albedo's lifeless head resting on your lap. You slowly pet his hair, and brushed little strands off his face. "Albedo." you whispered. 

You closed your eyes, grabbing his hand as you swallowed your tears, throat burning. 

And then the impossible happened. He held your hand back. 

You opened your eyes, staring directly in front of you, confused as to what you just felt. A little scared to look down, you did anyways. 

And you were met with Albedo staring at you. Blinking. Breathing. Smiling. At you. 

"My love. My Y/N." He spoke softly. 

You stuttered, looking up and down his body, "Am I- How is this?" 


"I what?" 

"You saved me." 

More tears fell down your cheeks. Albedo sat up, as though there was nothing wrong. He rested his hand on your face and swept the tears from you. "Your tears. They brought me back some how." 

"But I-" and that's when you remembered. 

'The first purified droplet'

"The stranger," you mumbled to yourself, nodding down in thought, "They told me." You weren't sure as to how they knew, but you were too overwhelmed about it all.

Albedo tilted his head, trying to have you look at him in the eyes. "Who?" He asked. You raised your head to meet him, your tears wouldn't stop. Albedo laughed softly at you as he held your face with both of his hands, bringing you in to kiss you softly on your forehead, "You cry too much." 

You wrapped your arms around him, causing him to fall onto the snow again, resting on top of him. 

You gasped, quickly rolling off of him and lifting up his shirt. "You're- You're okay! You aren't bleeding or- or-" You beamed as you looked back and forth at him and his bare stomach. 

Albedo shrug, "I don't know how but-" 

You bent down and kissed his stomach with short and fast pecks all over him. 

Albedo chuckled from the touch and sat up straight to hold you, "I don't know how it happened, but I promise I will never leave you again." 

"Ever?" you asked.

"Never. ever." he affirmed. 

You nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling his chest and stomach subconsciously just to make sure he was really okay. 

"I really am fine, Y/N." He stood up and helped you up as well, "But you," he noticed your blue wrist, "You are not." He swiftly picked you up and swept you off your feet, cradling you as he began to walk. You were about to speak, but he cut you off- "Yes, this doesn't hurt me, so don't ask that." 

You giggled as you closed your mouth. Just smiling at him as he carried you all the way back to the campsite. 

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