11 ~ Blue Additives (Part One)

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He picked me up at around eight.

 Nerves filled my gut and I felt a little sick — but not in a bad way. These butterflies were completely different to the fear and anxiety I usually felt when leaving the house, mostly because I thought people would be looking at me and laughing. Well, I didn't feel that way right now.

 I didn't know if it was because of the way I had dressed — blue V-neck dress with silver ballet pumps, light makeup and hair curled carefully around my jaw — and maybe it was, but I also felt like I'd be okay with myself even if I was dressed in baggy clothes and messy hair.

 And Sam. Sam, Sam, Sam. Even just thinking of him made my lips pull up at the corners. Made my lips tingle with anticipation. I guess I could say I love him a little bit.

 There was a knock on the door and the butterflies went crazy inside me. "Coming!" I yelled.

 I was about to go for the door when a voice sounded behind me.


 I whipped around, only to see my mother standing there in work uniform. Her eyes glittered with tears and her arms were raised, waiting for me to hug her. I smiled softly and sunk into her arms.

 "You look beautiful." She whispered.

 "Not really." I mumbled, but she smiled sadly. "Well, maybe I look okay." 

She took me by my hand and led me to the sofa. "Mom, Sam-,"

"No, Alice." Her stern tone made me look up suddenly. Her eyes were drawn over. "We need to talk. You were honest with me about the job — now I'm going to be honest with you." 

I knew what she was going to say. "Please, mom-," 

"You need to start eating again." She blurted. She tried to hold my gaze but I couldn't — maybe out of shame, or out of hurt that she'd called me out. It was our unspoken agreement that she ignored all notions of my eating habits. "I looked in the draw. Almost all the food I bought from last weekend is still there. Can you explain this?"  

"I... I just...." I stuttered, and then sank. "I'm sorry."

My mother shook her head. "Please don't say sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner." She took my hand with a smile. "But I'm glad you're seeing Sam tonight. He really seems to like you."

I blushed and looked down. I hoped she was right.

"But be careful." She said. "I love you."

"I love you too, Mom."

We both wiped our tears away quickly, and stammered a few last goodbyes before I went to open the door for Sam. By then the butterflies were going crazy — He was dressed in a cute jumper and jeans, hair curling up over his knackered beanie. His mouth formed a wide grin, his eyes sparkling.

"Lovely." he said softly. "Absolutely lovely."

My mouth curved up. "You really think so?"

"Of course. I mean, I basically look like a hobo next to you but whatever."

I laughed and shoved him playfully, but he caught my hands and pulled me close. My breath hitched immediately, and even though my mother was probably watching, I just wanted to kiss him right there. The eyes that caught my own were fierce, and I knew he felt the same. "For a hobo, you really are quite cu-,"

He shut my off as his lips collided with mine. My sounds of protest melted into a satisfied sigh. I felt my body mold into his own, his hand cupping my cheek, wandering down to my back and my ribs. My face flushed red and I began to pull away, suddenly conscious. "Sam..."

"I have something for you."

I watched as he pulled out the something from behind him. He placed in my hands — a paper airplane, with something written on the wing.

I love you.

If I hadn't been so stunned I would have had time to answer — I was interrupted by a cacophony of catcalls and whistling, and a few claps in there as well. I rolled my eyes and peered over Sam's shoulder, to see Peter, Harry and Michael all but falling out of the window. It seemed like Harry was making most of the racket.

"Are you just going to get naked on the porch or?..."

"Shut it, Dilbrain." Sam shot back. He looked at me and smiled. "Shall we go m'lady?"

He spoke as if he hadn't just told me he loved me. He was holding his hand out like they do in the movies, like I was some kind of Disney princess. I took it gingerly, and tried to stifle a giggle. He looked so deadly serious. "Of course, my dear prince."

We walked to the car, and I waved at the boys in the back. Harry winked and I stuck out my tongue. Peter shied away while Michael remained fixated on the Gameboy in his hand.

I laughed to myself, shaking my head as I hopped into shotgun. How had I gotten so lucky? I guess to most people it wouldn't seem like luck, but to me, this was all I'd ever wanted. I wasn't even thinking about calories or my weight anymore, and it felt wonderful. "Sam?" I said.


"I love you too."

His cheeks flushed red. He nodded once, trying to act cool, but I saw the small smile as he started the car.

A/N Part one of the nightclub scene. I keep writing fillers - I think this is kind of a warm up to shake off the dust haha. Anyway, hope you like it, thanks again to all my readers!

~ AJ

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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