10 ~ Taste Me

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Hey, so I know this chapter is way to short for a long time of just being fucking lazy... haha... No, seriously, this chapter was hard to write because I was dead bored writing it. So I wont be sad if you hate it :) but will be happy if you loooove it... teehee... ENJOY!


I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

I didn’t know if she had wanted me to or not; I didn’t even think. And yet, it felt so right, my lips against hers slow and cool. I tried to figure out if she liked it or not; she was frozen in place, just as shocked as I was. Stupid, stupid Sam should have asked.

I drew back in a flash, unable to look Alice in the eyes. I focused on her tiny ballet flats, stuttering out apology after apology, hoping she would save me.

She did.

“Sam.” She pulled my chin upwards. Her brown eyes were shiny. “It’s okay.”

“I’m s-sorry-”

“It’s fine, Sam.”

I couldn’t stop. “Alice, it’s not fine. I shouldn’t have… I wouldn’t…”

“Dear God, are you always this apologetic?” she yelled before slapping me lightly across the face. I blinked and nodded. Then she said, “Kiss me again.”


“You heard me.”

I took a deep breath – I concentrated on her soft blonde hair, her big doe eyes, her flushed pink cheeks. I took her by the waist and pulled her closer, smelling her strawberry conditioner, grazing my lips with hers so I could taste them.

She responded immediately. Her lips came to life beneath mine, red hot and insistent. Her hands lifted up to knot themselves in my hair, knocking my skull-cap straight off my head. Mine slid under her top to loop themselves around her tiny waist, to pull her closer to me. I wanted her body as close to mine as possible; I wanted to taste her for as long as I could.

She had to pull away to breathe; both of us were gasping for breath and red faced. We stared at each other for what seemed forever before her face broke out into a smile. “I knew you would be a good kisser.” She said.

I laughed nervously. “So you liked it?”

“Yeah. A lot, actually.”

I cursed myself for blushing insanely at that point. Her words just seemed to make my heart soar in a totally unmanly way.

“So… now what?” I asked. We had destroyed some of our picnic when we were kissing so I guess that was off the tables.

Where did we stand now?

“Does this make me your girlfriend now?” Alice asked curiously.

I shrugged, trying to contain myself. Play it cool.

She smiled inwardly. “Would you like me to be?”

“Uh…. Maybe. Yeah.”

“Well, okay then.”

She helped me pack away all the food and blankets. We stood up and Alice linked her hand with mine; she felt so small, so skinny. I hoped I could change that with time. I hoped I could make her happy with herself.

We walked back to the car where we had to unwind our hands. I opened the car door and made an elaborate hand gesture. “Ladies first.”

She smiled at me, making my heart do backflips yet again. We climb in the car and I slide my phone out of my pocket; I have one new message. I read it and see that it’s from Harry asking me to go to a night club with him tonight, and quite honestly I don’t think I can deal with him right now. He’s just a bit too full on at the minute. Unless…

“Hey Alice?”


I grined mischievously. “Fancy going to a nightclub with me tonight?”

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