Chapter 25

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The air in the Crimson Waste always got hot and heavy on a show night. When the fans and club goers would pack in, filling the empty space with sweat, smoke, and lively attitude. Catra normally loved that feeling. The intensity of a crowd of people, all hot and vibrant, stripping their normal cold weather getups for strappy tops and bare mid-drifts. She felt that air now, except in the bright morning sunlight, the thick air constricted her throat as she took in the bright eyes and hesitant smile on Adora's face.

Moments passed without a word, until Bow sighed and walked past her, brushing Catra's shoulder and giving her a look of general disapproval that sank into her stomach.

"Bow," Catra muttered softly.

"Later," He replied, continuing to Adora with a welcoming smile. Catra heard him whisper something to her that made her smile and the two embraced. Neither sent that same expression back to Catra, who stood alone, staring at them all.

"You look like shit," A familiar voice said from Catra's side, pulling her attention to the lead singer with the soft smile.

"It's been a long night," Catra replied, acknowledging Scorpa with a glance, "If you've come to beg for forgiveness, I'm all out at the moment." She crossed her arms, hoping the disposition of her body promised that everything was fine. Inside, Catra couldn't find a way to slow her heartrate and the air only grew tighter around her lungs. She tried to ignore it.

"I highly doubt that," Scorpia smirked, "But if it's necessary. I'm sorry I left." Catra's eyes remained on Adora, her focus on each inhale and exhale of her lungs. "Catra?"

"Huh?" Catra looked up to find Scorpia staring back with furrowed brows.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. We were just in the middle of something very important and I wasn't expecting," She wasn't sure how to finish that sentence, so many words came to mind. "I just need. I need," The words tumbled from Catra's lips, the last few caught in between heavy breaths. She peaked up, meeting Adora's bright blue eyes, and then there was no air, no escape from the mass of people around her. People who had come to help her but couldn't. No matter how this played out, Catra couldn't perform. She was handing over everything she could on a silver platter, no strings attached, and with no one left to figure out her life but her. It was the plan. "I just need a minute," Catra mumbled, forcing her gaze away from Adora, away from everyone's prying eyes as she stepped away.

"Wait," Scorpia started.

"No," Catra cut her off, walking away from the group as Light Hope appeared around the corner. Inhaling sharply, Catra slipped behind the bar, heading towards the side exit. How they could all breathe in that room was beyond her, but fresh air called to her beyond the doors. Tucking herself down, she made a run for it, escaping into the cool morning breeze and gasping for oxygen to re-enter her lungs. She took a deep breath, leaning over to grip her knees and stop the world from spinning.


Anger simmered in her stomach, low and coiled at the sound of that voice. Not Scorpia, but Adora. She couldn't look at her, instead keeping her eyes on the pavement while trying to ease the tightened ache around her lungs.

A warm hand pressed to her back, and despite the emotions curling in her chest, the touch eased something. "I have you," Adora said simply, wrapping her arms around the other in a gentle embrace. It wasn't enough. Catra reached for her, pulling them together and gripping Adora into a tightly pressed hug that Adora obliged. Tears threatened at her eyes, but Catra focused on pushing them down, her cheek pressed to Adora's clavicle as she took in air. Adora was warm and strong and Catra inhaled something minty and fresh alongside the smell of whatever air travel Adora had just been on. A familiar smell that both calmed and buzzed at Catra's cheeks.

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