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"Hey how are you?", Jordan asked when Addison got into the car.

"Kinda exhausted, I spent the whole day putting together furniture.", the brunette laughed.

"Oh I hope you're not too exhausted for the party?", Jordan smirked.

"I thought it wasn't going to be a party?", Addison asked.

"Come on Addison what was it at your old town when someone's parents weren't home and there were coming more than 4 people.", the boy laughed. "Do you still wanna go there or did you change your mind?", he added worried.

"No it's fine, i wanna go.", Addison smiled.

"Alright then lets go, we don't wanna be late.", Jordan smiled and started the car.

When they arrived at Claire's house Alexis came running at Addison and called out "Oh my god finally you are here!!! Come inside its so much fun." The girl continued to drag Addison with her. "Here take this.", she told her when they arrived in the living room of the house. It was full of people and it was definitely a party, so Emily was right. Well she didn't seem to have a problem with that so Addison stopped worrying about her. She sniffed at the cup Alexis gave her and it was clearly some kind of alcohol but she thought one cup couldn't be too bad so she kept it in her hand. Addison looked around and soon she spotted Claire and Jake and went over to them, this time she was the one to drag Alexis with her.

"Hey Addie, we all waited for you!!", Claire claimed excited.

"Yeah I waited the whole day too to see you.", Addison replied smiling.

"We wanna play beer pong are you down for it?", Jake asked her.

"Uhm yeah why not but actually I didn't wanna drink today.", Addison answered shy.

"Oh come on one round of beer pong will make no one drunk.", Claire laughed.

"Yeah I guess you're right.", Addison shrugged her shoulders. The group of friend went over to the living room table where some boys were already preparing the cups for the game.

"Hey Nick, Louis, this is Addison. She's kinda new here.", Alexis introduced her.

"Hey Addison, I'm Nick, this is Louis.", the brown haired boy told her.

"Nice to meet you.", Addison replied.

"I can only say the same.", Nick smirked, while Louis just stood there awkward.

"Okay okay enough of that let's form teams. I'm on Jake's!", Alexis interrupted their conversation.

"Same.", A girl Addison hasn't seen before called out.

"Okay I'm on Jordan's.", Claire told them.

"What about you?", Jordan asked Addison.

"Guess I'm on your team too.", Addison replied and went over to their table side.

"Okay I'll go to Jordan too.", Nick told them while Louis went over to Jake, Alexis and the unfamiliar girl.

Soon after forming teams the game began and Addisons team was the one to win but her team had only one cup left so it was mostly just luck. After they finished they decided to play another round and after that Addison already kinda felt tipsy so she decided to not drink any more alcohol but that was quite hard when every few minutes someone offered shots and wanted to drink with you. So after a while Addison gave in and started to drink alcohol again. Around eleven she didn't feel really well so she and Alexis went outside and stayed there for a while.

"Want one too?", a blonde boy offered them a cigarette.

"No thanks. Guess I don't have to do more things my mum doesn't want me to do tonight, I already drank too much.", Addison declined laughing.

It started in Paris - a Criminal Minds FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now