Dinner (1)

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Jin was sitting at his desk and reading some papers, he was assisting an senior lawyer in a fraud case.

"Jin come to my office please" Haeun called him.

"Is everything ok uncle" Jin asked seeing Haeun acting weirdly. "I am really sorry Jin" Jin widened his eyes as realization hit him, "you are firing me already, I'm not even a month here." Haeun laughed at he's antics and said, "no silly, of course I'm not firing you." After taking a seat next to Jin he continued, "remember the vip client, Mr. Jeon?" "Of course, hot as fu...hum...I mean the arrogant one" Jin said clearing his throat.

"Tomorrow he's holding a small business dinner and I want you to accompany me. There will be a few important people I would like to introduce you." "Sure, no problem uncle and don't worry I won't embarrass you" Jin said with wiggling his eyebrows making the other laugh. Haeun was worried, he didn't wanna Jin to get involved with Bangtan but he was in no position to decline Mr. Jeon's request.

"Jin you look beautiful" said Haeun as they walked through the hotel lobby. "Correction uncle, handsome...I look handsome" they both laughed and were guided to a private dining room.

They entered and were greeted with nine gentlemen, seated at a big round dining table. Jin leaned over to Haeun and whispered, "when you said small dinner, you did not exaggerate." Surprised hearing some chuckles, Jin was wondering if they heard what he just whispered.

"Welcome gentlemen, please" one of the older man said and gestured to the two empty chairs. Jin could feel all eyes on him, staring shamelessly. Looking at the seated men he recognized the five younger once.

He didn't really felt comfortable being there, receiving weird vibes from the others. Haeun, who was seated to Jin's left, could see Jin was uncomfortable, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving him an reassuring smile.

"Please Seokjin, we don't mean you harm" the same man spoke again.

After a little pause, Jungkook showing his bunny smile said, "ahh let's introduce ourselves, shall we? My name is Jeon Jungkook" motioning to his right side, "these are my friends Kim Namjoon and his brother Kim Taehyung, next to them is their father Kim Jiwoo." Holding their gazes on Jin and acknowledging him with a slight nod. Jungkook then continued to his left, "and here my friends Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, their fathers Jung Jiyoo and Min Hayoon."

Jin averted his eyes back to Jungkook, giving him a questioning look, why the other stopped before introducing the last person that was sitting right next to him (Jin). From the corner of his eye, he saw a hand slowly nearing his. He turned his head to see the man sitting next to him demanding his attention. "My name is Jeon Seoyoon, I'm Jungkook's father, it's very nice to meet you Seokjin" giving him the same bunny smile as Jungkook did. Jin, moving his hand away from the table and gave him an awkwardly forced smile. "Nice to meet you too" he said then turned to Haeun with a questioning look, 'what the fuck am I doing here'.  An outburst of laughter and chuckles could be heard. Widening his eyes and looking at Haeun coughing and gasping for air, he wondered, 'did I just said it out loud' peeking around and seeing amused faces all directed at him. 


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