We will meet again

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Seth was furious at the gods, he couldn't believe that they really made a deal with the titans only to prevent him from being together with his angel. Was their love so wrong? Why were they so scared of them being together?

Back in time when the titans started the rebellion against the old gods, he was the one who lead them into the war against the titans and he assured their victory. Thinking back, he should have killed them all instead of imprisoning them.

Coming back to the moment in time he turned to his angel, Seth didn't say anything, he didn't need to, for the other to understand what he was asking for. The angel shook his head as a no, "I'm not leaving you alone, not this time. I haven't forgotten who I am or who made me and what I am capable of." The Angel's eyes now glowing in rage, "and this" pointing at the titans, "are not my creators." Taking Seth's hand kissing it, "today we will fight together, till we arise as new stars in the sky" whispered the angel and with straightening its back, unfolding gigantic and most beautiful wings ever seen. The white and soft feathers, because of the dark red sky, appearing pinkish. Turning the angry gaze towards the titans, the angel raised one arm up in the air, releasing a lightning, grabbing it with one hand and now holding a spear. With a swift move, rolling it from right to left before hitting the ground with it, a wave of lightning spreading across the ground, reaching the first titans and burning them alive. The white and soft feathers now turning into sharp blades and the body covered with an golden armor, that only gods possessed. Seth admiring his angel, he never saw this side of the other and smirked, "let's give them a reason to fear us, my love" reaching out his hand for the angel to take it.

Turning his gaze back to the titans, looking around, "ahh, there you are Prometheus, this time I will not show you mercy." And with that said all the light and the air got sucked in and black smoke spread, the ground under the titans started to brake apart, hellfire shooting up and burning everything it touched.

The angel flying up in the air, unleashing a lightning storm over the titans. The up to 8 meters tall figures letting out a dreadful noise, started to run towards them and closing in.

They were just too many, two titans managed to jump up in the air and grabbed the angel's leg, pulling the other down and with full force to the ground.

Jungkook and Jin stood there looking at the scene in horror, "stay here, I'll be right back" Jungkook said and ran to the angel spreading the black smoke around them, so the titans couldn't see. Recovering from the fall, the angel threw the spear and it pierced through the titan's hearts. Pulling two blades out of its wings and giving them to Jungkook. Taking them and running between the titan's legs, making sure to not being trampled on, with the two blades Jungkook slit the titan's Achilles' tendons, making them fall to the ground. Seth was surrounded but the black smoke didn't allow the titans to see or even to breath properly, with sharp blades he was cutting their throats.

Prometheus has managed to sneak at the angel from behind and pierced his sword, that was given to him by the gods for this purpose only, through the armor into the angels shoulder. Hearing his angel's scream, Seth turned to look but another titan grabbed him with his hands and tried to rip him apart. Worrying about his angel, Seth releasing more black smoke that crawled into the titan's nose, eyes and mouth, killing him from the inside.

Jin widened his eyes, seeing Prometheus lifting his sword into the air to strike at the now on the ground lying angel. He ran over and stood next to the angel, his shield surrounded them and glowed its hardest, blinding the titan. Not able to see, the sword came down but missed the angel. Seth, finally freed himself, materialized behind Prometheus, with both hands grabbing the titans head and ripped it off. Standing on the titan's corpse and holding the head up in the air for all to see.

Realizing what just happened, the few titan still alive, stopped fighting for a moment not sure what to do, their leader was dead. They looked at each other, waiting for someone to give an order. Using the moment of confusion, moving his angel and Jin out of harm's way, it felt like Seth opened the hell's gate, flames shot up and swallowed what was left of the titans.

The red sky turned blue again but now the ground was dark red, burnt and soaked with blood.

Taking his angel in his arms and in a blink of an eye, they left this place and found themselves back on the beach. Putting his angel down, Seth turned to Jungkook and Jin, he smiled and said, "for your courage, you're welcome to stay here with us and enjoy the eternity. You will have everything your heart desires and no worries. From here you can see the whole universe and watch your friends grow old but once you chose to stay, you won't be able to go back."

Jungkook and Jin looked at each other and it was out of question that they would leave their family and friends.

Hugging the angel, Jin asked, "will I see you again, or is this a final goodbye?" The angel smiled, "nothing is final and we will meet again, a part of me is always with you." Then the angel walked over to Jungkook, gave him a hug and whispered, "take good care of him and the babies." Not sure what the angel meant but he didn't have time to ask, cause black smoke formed and in blink of an eye they were back home.


Sorry 😣 don't have the heart to let someone die

Thanks for reading, love you all ❤️

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