Chapter 8

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Hey- forgot that this was a story-

Tommy woke up to someone shaking him.

He sat up quickly. He was breathing heavy and everything was blurry. Nick was sort of sitting over him looking worridly.

"You were crying and shaking," Nick said calmly, Tommy didn't seem to register that he was dreaming.

"Sorry." Tommy took a breath, his clothes stuck to his body from the sweat.

"Mustve been a nasty dream, you wanna talk about it?" Nick asked, he wasnt much of an emotional talker. He can barely talk about his feelings aswell.

Something they both had in commen.

"Not really, no." Nick sighed, contempt with the answer.

"Wanna watch cartoons on my phone?" Nick asked pulling it off the charger.

Tommy nodded his head, cartoons always seemed to pull Tommy out of a rough spot.

Nick pulled up YouTube on his phone and searched up free episodes of SpongeBob.

Him and Tommy sat on the bed watching SpongeBob till the sun rose. Well, Tommy stayed up, Nick fell back asleep.

How George and Clay stayed asleep, Tommy hasn't figured out yet, but he will.

At about 8:00 am, there was a knock on the door. George woke up from the knocking and stuffed a pillow on Clay's face.

Clay stayed asleep.

George cracked it just a bit when he saw Phil behind it, then he opened it fully.

"Good morning," George said rubbing his eyes, Phil smiled, "Good morning, there is someone at the door for Tommy." Phil said, George sighed.

"Who?" He asked, how in the world did someone know where Tommy was?

"Purpled," Phil answered simply, George's eyes widened, he wasnt expecting that answer.

"Tom, a friend is here to visit." He called back into the room, Tommy looked up to him, "Can I bring the cartoons?" Tommy asked, "Sure," George said, then he turned back to Phil, "He'll be out in a minute." George smiled, Phil nodded and left.

"Change your clothes and brush your teeth before you leave." George stated, Tommy groaned.

Purpled waited in the living room. He sat on the coach typing away on his phone. He waited patiently for Tommy to get his lazy ass out of bed and come talk to him.

He blew a puff of air out of his moth making the hair in his eyes move. He's never had long hair before so he's letting it grow out a bit before he cuts it again.

Purpled heard a door open and close down the hallway. He looked up from his phone, hands still in a typing position.

When Tommy appeared in a wheelchair, Purpled almost laughed.

"Eight years and it took you going back for a few days to loose the use your legs?" He scoffed, Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Dont be a bitch, why are you here anyways?" Tommy asked, Purpled put away his phone and stood up.

"To get you out of that wheelchair, this world needs Theseus." Purpled said, he said the last part closer to a whisper, he didnt know who was listening.

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